Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Why Does Population Density Varies So Much Within The UK?

Population Density is affected by many factors such as the relief, the climate, the vegetation, the soil, the natural resources and water supply.In the UK, population density varies so much as for example, London has a high population density because it has a great relief which includes flat land which will be easy to build infrastructures but Scotland has a poor relief as it has mountains and hills which means it will be difficult to build infrastructures so therefore, less people will want to vive there since there is a sparse amount of infrastructures like hospitals, roads, shops and schools so traveling to these destinations will be long.Factors like economic and social factors also affect the I-J as the economic factor can provide people transport, industrial areas, offices and ports. London has more Jobs than Scotland as it has more tertiary Jobs than primary Jobs which are paid more so this will populate London more as more people will come to London for Jobs.The social actor will attract more people to populate but Scotland has less health care, houses, entertainment, education and tourist attractions than London so therefore, people will want to go to places that contain these as they don't want to be bored. The vegetation factor populates Scotland as there are large grass areas, trees and fallow land which attracts people who like to live In grassy areas with clean air but London doesn't have a lot of vegetation as It Is more urban than Scotland.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Effects of the Black Death Essay

Imagine one half of the world’s population by wiped out in a space of less than a ten years. You probably cannot imagine such an event occurring; it seems unreal. Yet, this very thing happened in the between the years 1347 and 1351 in Europe. This massive destruction of human life was known as the Black Death. This Black Death was an ecological disaster on a global scale. The effects of the plague on human and certain animal populations from East Asia to as far west as Greenland were catastrophic. All facets of society, from peasant to king were affected; no one was safe. All of society was affected; nothing would ever be the same. Thus, there were many economic, social, and political effects of the Black Death. Before one can understand the effects of the Black Death, one must understand precisely what is and what it did. The Black Death was the common name for what is now known today to be three different diseases. The first, and most common of these was Bubonic Plague. The Bubonic Plague lasts for approximately six days. The early symptoms include hemorrhaging and splotches on the skin. Later on, various neurological and psychological disorders can occur. Bubonic Plague is fatal fifty to sixty percent of the time. The other two forms of the Plague, Septicaemic and Pneumonic were both much more rare, but much deadly, killing ninety-five a hundred percent of the time. The Black Death did not originate in Europe, however. It originated in Central Asia, far away from Europe. So how did it get to Europe, and why during the Late Middle Ages? Before the time of the Late Middle Ages, infrastructure was vastly underdeveloped. Thus, diseases spread by humans could not possibly spread far, as most humans did not move too far from their homeland. By the time of the Late Middle Ages, trade and infrastructure had evolved into an advanced state. Trade routes connected all the main cities of Europe to the far away lands of Asia. Now, as the Black Death epidemic began in Asia, it began to slaughter and spread immediately. By the 1350s, two-thirds of China’s population lay dead, but this was just the beginning. The Black Death quickly spread across Central Asia, following the route of the Silk Road. Soon it reached the Middle East, where Italian merchants proceeded to spread it to Europe via their trading  ships. At the time the Black Death reached Europe, the population was in full swing. Population numbers, due to new agricultural methods and other means, were at all time highs. The Black Death would quickly change that. The Black Death, traveling quickly across trading routes covered Europe in the brief span between the years 1347 and 1351. Everywhere from Ireland to Scandinavia to Spain was hit. Once the Black Death hit a town only some were spared. Anywhere from twenty-five to seventy-five percent of a town’s population would perish. And once a town would begin to recover, the Black Death would strike again and again, relentlessly slaughtering thousands. For an event as destructive as the Black Death, the economic effects are vast. After the plague had swept through Europe and reduced the population by a third, a sudden surplus of all items and food drove prices down drastically. In reply to this people began to wildly overspend what was not worth that much. However, after the excess amount of food had been used up, the insufficiency of labor began to make an impact. Prices rapidly shot up, way beyond pre-plague rates. In addition, those laborers who remained soon were in high demand. They realized that their services were rare, and thus they could charge any rate they wanted. In response to this, governments created laws limiting wages. This in turn would later cause peasant revolts in the later 14th Century. However, Some places experienced economic prosperity as a long term consequence of the plague. In addition to the effects on wages, there were other economic effects as well. Towns in the Late Middle Ages were slowly becoming important centers of trade. Towns were the center of commerce, and places were markets were. The Black Death struck these very towns the hardest. Towns, being crowded and infested by rats, were more susceptible to the plague than rural areas. Thus, people abandoned many towns for the safety of the countryside. This heavily stunted trade, as now towns were abandoned, and there was no central location for people to meet and trade. Furthermore, there were many social effects as well. Middle Age culture  became a culture of death and decay. Life became cheap. The stench of death became unavoidable when entering towns and cities. Everywhere there were the dead and the dying. Bodies were literally piled up outside in wheelbarrows, waiting to be dumped. The dead were not treated with respect or dignity. Fear was so great of infection that bodies were simply piled up and dumped in mass graves. People, ignorant of what was causing this terrible catastrophe, blamed those on the margins of society. Others questioned the Church. Why would God inflict such suffering? The Church had no answers, so people began to question it more and more. Some took matters into their own hands. Groups of people, known as flagellants began to go through towns and cities, wiping themselves to appease God. They believed that if they caused enough pain to themselves, then perhaps God would ease their suffering. In addition, the new devaluing of life and questioning of the Church, the fabric that held society together society was ripped. The plague affected everyone from kings to peasants. Soldiers who once protected peasants were no longer there, and survivors were vulnerable to looters and highwaymen. Nobility who once guided society were now deceased, and people could no longer count on them to run manors and provide for general protection against enemies. Nobles could no longer rely on peasants, as they quickly became scarce. In short, the Black Death caused a violent upheaval on society as death became common, and nothing could be trusted. In addition to the many social and economic effects, there were also many political effects of the Black Plague. As stated before, the Black Plague affected virtually all facets of society, including the nobility. The nobility’s ability to effectively assert their power became extremely limited due to the rapid decline of feudalism that occurred due to the plague. The main source of the power of the nobility came from their feudal powers, and once these powers became limited, the ability of the nobles to effect political change also became limited. Before the Black Plague, kings had to take into account the nobles and their ideas. Following the Black Plague, nobles became helpless, unless they agreed to further the kings’ claims and demands. This in turn further centralized power, which was a trend of the 14th Century. The main political effect of the Black Death was  the further loss of power of the nobles in government. The Black Death was the terror of the Middle Ages. Serf and king alike feared it. And where the plague struck, nothing could be the same. Overpopulated towns suddenly became deserted. Flourishing commerce suddenly became dead and empty. Whereas the dead were once respected and taken care of, now they were devalued and thrown in piles. The kings continued to gain in power, due to the weakening of the feudal system. In retrospect, the Black Death was, perhaps, one of the most transforming events in human history. The economy, society, and politics of the time were transformed forever.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Fasb Topics Research Paper

Adjustments to Lower of Cost or Market 330-10-35-1 A departure from the cost basis of pricing the inventory is required when the utility of the goods is no longer as great as their cost. Where there is evidence that the utility of goods, in their disposal in the ordinary course of business, will be less than cost The inventory has a financial importance as it is purchased and recorded at its historical cost or original cost.With respect to a perpetual inventory system, inventory accounts are continually controlled as goods are purchased and placed directly into the inventory account and then later taken out when sold. Therefore the inventory is properly recognized within the period it is sold. Furthermore valuing the inventory with FIFO correctly reports the ending inventory at its market value. When ending inventory is reported at market value, before making proper year adjustments unexpected changes occur in the ordinary course of business causing the market to be lower then the co st basis of the inventory.This departure from the cost basis of pricing the inventory requires the utility of inventory is no longer as great as its original cost. The ASC allows assets to be valued with Lower of Cost or Market when evidence is proving the future utility of the inventory drops below its historical cost. The determination of the businesses cost basis for their current inventory and determination of the market calls for ruling the LCM with the conservatism principal to resolve the issue between these two divergent amounts (original cost of inventory and the market).Justification for applying Lower of Cost Or Market is the recognition of the holding loss resulting from the market being less then the company’s current inventory. Which requires a decision between reporting the inventory at its actual cost or it’s replacement cost. The conservatism principle applies with LCM by reporting the inventory on the balance sheet at replacement cost in the period it occurred also recognizing the loss in the income statement during that same period.Therefore the inventory is reported at its net realizable value on the balance sheet, and the reduction (holding loss) is properly recorded on the income statement. Question 2. Your company has acquired land that is not undergoing activities necessary to get it ready for its intended use. You have been told to capitalize interest costs (the lesser of the actual or avoidable interest costs) associated with the acquisition of the land. Should you capitalize any interest costs? FASB ASC CITATION: Capitalization of Interest 35-20-25-3 The capitalization period shall begin when the following three conditions are present: a. Expenditures for the asset have been made. ? b. Activities that are necessary to get the asset ready for its intended use are in progress. ? c. Interest cost is being incurred. ? Interest capitalization shall continue as long as those three conditions are present. We recognize the gene ral facts stated; the land for the businesses investment is purchased, and with respect to the land, activities have not been started yet to prepare it for the intended use deeming it as an asset or investment.In order for the land to be considered expenditure, it would to prove it meets ASC’s three requirements of capitalization of interest. The land generally speaking the land must be capitalized to provide evidence capitalization rates will be applied, which furthermore qualifies the land to have payments of cash, transfer of other assets, or accruing the liability of recognized interest. Only if the activities of the land are in preparation for its intended use then capitalization of interest is added to the construction of the long-term asset.From a current stand point of the land, expenditures for the land have not been made yet, the activity required for its intended use is not undergoing, and therefore interest cost incurred can not be capitalized but rather expensed on the current periods of the income statement. With respect to the facts stated on the lands current progress the interest incurred can not be capitalized. Question 3: You are to allocate an asset retirement cost (initiated by an asset retirement obligation). What guidance is given over the manner in hich the asset retirement cost should be allocated to expense? FASB ASC CITATION: 410-20-35-2 An entity shall subsequently allocate that asset retirement cost to expense using a systematic and rational method over its useful life. Asset retirement obligation requires properly allocating the asset retirement cost over the assets life of the asset. The allocation of asset retirement cost that is initiated by the asset retirement obligation includes items that that fall under FASB’s issued Statement of Financial Accounting Concepts also known as SFAC No. 6 â€Å"Elements of Financial Statements.The proper manner of allocating requires the retirement cost to be properly measured, r ecognized, and recorded when involving elements in the financial statements. The measurement of the asset must be measured properly at its historical cost. During the ordinary process a business has outflows or using up of its assets in which the expenses are then recognized under the SFAC No. 6 as Expense Recognition Principle. During the period the assets are used up from operational procedures (delivery, and production). The expense accounts recognize accumulated depreciated cost of the asset over its useful life until it fully depreciated.The combination of the assets cost minus its accumulated depreciation results the asset to its net realizable value, when fully depreciated the net amount will have a zero value. The retired asset must then be properly reported in the balance sheet. When a company decides to retire an asset it must reflects the cost properly in the financial statements. When circumstance arise and its liability of the retirement obligation incur over more repor ting periods, the incurring liabilities must be considered as an additional liability over the original liability of allocating the retirement costs.Thus stated the business must recognize and measured as an additional liability (layer) at its fair value. Furthermore guidance to allocate the retirement cost must be expensed in the required systematic way over its useful life. Applying the allocation method doesn’t enable the business from capitalizing any amounts of retirement costs and allocating the same amount to the expense account in the same period. Question 4: A warehouse located in Central Iowa was destroyed by an earthquake, the first earthquake ever reported in Central Iowa.You are questioned why you reported it as an extraordinary item, net of tax, rather than a â€Å"normal† loss related to the business operations. FASB ASC CITATION: EXTRAODINARY and UNUSAL ITEMS 225-20-45-2 Extraordinary items are events and transactions that are distinguished by their unu sual nature and by the infrequency of their occurrence. When reporting extraordinary and unusual items in the income statement some requirements must be met upon reporting the items.The extraordinary items are events and transactions that are 1. Unusual in nature meaning that underlying event or transaction has a high degree of abnormality that it is unrelated to and 2. Infrequent in occurrence meaning its underlying event or transitions is not reasonably expected to recur in the future. The ASC requires that both of the criteria stated above must bet met in order to report any items as extraordinary or unusual.Reporting extraordinary items in the income statement will be reported by its gross amount and then at net after deducting the income tax expense or saving associated with the item. With respect to Iowa, reporting the warehouse as an extraordinary item from the result of an infrequent earthquake that was unusual in nature since this was the first occurring earth quake ever re ported and infrequent because it is a natural disaster and therefore cannot be considered part of normal business operations. Furthermore deeming the warehouse as an extraordinary item.

Post traumatic stress disorder Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Post traumatic stress disorder - Essay Example These situations may scar a person’s psyche to the degree that they are unable to function in the same manner in society, or that the person has recurring flashbacks of the event. It is a common pattern in abuse for victims to subconsciously re-create situations that model the initial trauma as a type of behavior seeking resolution or vital processing that will allow the individual to move on. Yet, in many instances, the symptoms of people who have suffered through these events linger and never subside, with symptoms growing worse over time. In analyzing these cases, psychologists have established Post-Traumatic Stress Syndrome as an identifiable mental illness operating on a pattern of symptoms, though there has been less success at identifying a treatment or a cure for individuals suffering from this problem. The DSM-IV lists the following symptoms as characteristic of PTSD: â€Å"A. The person has been exposed to a traumatic event in which both of the following were presen t: (1) The person experienced witnessed, or was confronted with an event or events that involved actual or threatened death or serious injury, or a threat to the physical integrity of others (2) The person's response involved intense fear, helplessness, or horror. B. The traumatic event is persistently re-experienced in one (or more) of the following ways: (1) Recurrent and distressing recollections of the event, including images, thoughts, or perceptions. (2) Recurrent distressing dreams of the event (3) Acting or feeling if the traumatic event were recurring (includes a sense of reliving the experience, illusions, hallucinations, and dissociative flashback episodes, including those that occur on awakening or when intoxicated). (4) Intense psychological distress at exposure to internal or external cues that symbolize or resemble an aspect of the traumatic event. (5) Physiological reactivity on exposure to internal or external cues that symbolize or resemble an aspect of the traumat ic event.† (American Psychiatric Association, 1994) Along with these symptoms, there may also be signs such as â€Å"efforts to avoid thoughts, feelings, or conversations associated with the trauma, efforts to avoid activities, places, or people that arouse recollections of the trauma, or inability to recall an important aspect of the trauma† as part of the effects of the condition. (American Psychiatric Association, 1994) PTSD sufferers may also feel apathetic, detached, estranged, or alienated from society and display some of the restricted range of emotion seen in schizophrenia and autism, though generally to a lesser degree. There may also be feelings of helplessness and an abandonment of social goals related to career or family life. The PTSD patient may be suicidal, confused, disoriented, and in various degrees of psychosis related to the hallucinations and flashbacks related to the disease. The patient may be aggressive, paranoid, and prone to insomnia and substa nce abuse as further issues related to the trauma. There may be additionally a general nervousness and high stress or tension level experienced by the patient in association with the disease. (American Psychiatric Association, 1994) Anger management and counseling are typically tried in combination with drugs typically used to treat depression or bipolar illnesses, such as Xanax or Prozac, in an attempt to treat the symptoms

Sunday, July 28, 2019

The Management of Disasters Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

The Management of Disasters - Essay Example Disaster management remains an important aspect of State and National management due to the fact that the occurrence and magnitude of most disasters are unpredictable (Kaser, 2007). Due to the severity in the need of ensuring that the occurrence of disasters does not outwit efforts that can be made by government through state institutions in responding effectively to the disasters, there has often been the call for collaboration with other agencies in disaster management in control. One of such agencies is the non-governmental organizations (NGOs). It is agreed that partnership between government agencies and non-governmental organizations can be very important for disaster recovery and response efforts. Generally, disaster response has been said to be the venture that cannot be accurately budgeted for (McKee, Figueras and Chenet, 1998). This is because of the unpredictable nature of disasters. Consequently, the allocation of resources on the part of government is often inadequate an d thus requires additional input from these NGOs. What is next, the management of disasters has been said to be better approached if they will be carried out in a manner that is holistic and community-based (Healy and McKee,1997). Meanwhile, most of these NGOs are community-based and thus have a better understanding of the needs and demands of the indigenes. Their contribution to planning, recovery and response efforts, therefore, become more people-centered (Kaser, 2007). Finally, it has been said that the decentralization of disaster response enhances effectiveness and efficiency. This is because it guarantees that recovery and response efforts will be carried out in a more proactive manner due to the fact that there will be detailed urgency among the local people (Kaser, 2007). What is more, the fact that the process is decentralized means that much can be achieved within a shorter timeframe? Meanwhile collaborating with NGOs is one way of bringing about decentralization of the d isaster response agenda.

Saturday, July 27, 2019

The Legal Policy In The Gas And Oil Industry Essay

The Legal Policy In The Gas And Oil Industry - Essay Example All these forms of contract are been utilized for accomplishing the same purpose i.e. promoting the economic growth of oil and gas production and extraction with sustainable environmental effect. Especially mentioning, the above-stated contract agreements possess own advantages along with disadvantages. Malaysian oil and gas industry plays a key part in developing the economy of the nation through contributing 40% in the national revenues. The major issues that arise during the selection of contract in this regard include the share of the distribution of profit between the government and companies participating in the contractual agreement and the cost structure that the involved parties need to be accepted. It will be vital to mention that oil and gas industry plays a vital part in boosting the overall growth of the nations in the international scenario. Thus, the proper selection of a specific contractual agreement will not only assist the respective governments of the nations to e radicate the issues but also impact the overall growth of the economy at large. Besides, the prior reason for undertaking an effective contractual agreement in the oil and gas industry between countries and international oil companies is to utilize the reserves in an appropriate manner2. However, at certain times, the selected approach of the contract becomes complicated, which significantly leads towards rising disputes between the involved parties. Moreover, contractors need to follow varied industrial norms, environmental laws, international and comparative policies of different international environmental agencies. By taking into concern the international scenario, it can be inferred that the notion of sharing production and operational activities of oil and gas amongst states and companies by forming an efficient commercial enterprise was significantly developed during  the 1950s in Bolivia.

Friday, July 26, 2019

Project program Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Project program - Assignment Example The mortgage company offers a 2 year fixed mortgage, low rate variable and performance plus mortgagee designs. My Mortgage Freedom online mortgage application makes the company’s covers versatile and convenient for most people. All the same, the main challenge of the business is to attract customers to its portfolio. Online Customer Segment One way to attract more customers to My Mortgage Online shops is by maximizing the search engine visibility of the company. People in most cases will make a first stop in search engines when looking for any product or service. Search engine ensure the marketer is at the right place and at the right time. It will be important for the company’s SEO strategist to use specialized tools such as the Google’s Webmaster Tools and Google Analytics in monitoring the baseline metrics, and understanding the SEO health in the company’s website. Such a detailed analysis will showcase areas that need more attention (Brightpearl, 3). T he strategist has to start analyzing the following key metrics once per month to indicate the success of this approach: Sales generated by the search marketing, the number of visits to the page, and the number of new visitors recorded, the number of new visitors converting to paying visitors, the cost per click on all paid search adverts, and the best sources that most traffic is coming from (Bright pearl, 3). In addition, the strategist has to review the keywords used, and how these keywords will match landing on any paid search or SEO strategy. The use of good keywords would be ideal in accessing the competition, and search volume. The Google analytics tool may be used to access the search dynamics, and the keyword-to –search term relationship (Brightpearl, 4). Carrying out detailed A/B testing of the used Keywords and any used text is important in optimizing the paid search pay per click (PPC) campaigns. In the process of building intelligence around the used keyword, land ing on page relevance and search terms, the conversation rates and quality score go up while significantly reducing the CCP, which will save the business significant amount of costs. In addition, there are more platforms available at much reduced rates, or at no cost, though such free platforms may not be solely enough for attracting customers (Pozin, 2012). Strategic company branding will increase customer’s attention towards My Mortgage Online. Currently, there are a good number of such Mortgage companies online competing for customers. To overcome its competitors, the company needs critical rebranding in its website to make the webpage unforgettable. Rebranding may involve embedding real estate video clips or pictures in their websites, or any other photos that may show how people have benefited from their mortgage plans. As reflected in the My Mortgage Freedom Company, the domain name used reflects the name of the company, which makes it unique and easy for the customers to sport online. In addition, the website has to be professional and integrate their web page to social media. Integrating My Mortgage Freedom with social media such as Facebook will attract attention of social media users who will click the leads to the company’s website. This is a versatile way of increasing traffic to the company’s website (Prozin, 2012). The company has then to ensure mechanisms through which customers getting to the website from

Thursday, July 25, 2019

GOVT 480 Final Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

GOVT 480 Final - Essay Example Today, international terrorism has become a major threat to the security of the United States. Domestic terrorism in the United States has been a big threat in the 20th century. The Los Angeles Times Building and the Wall Street bombing are examples of bombings that happened early in the 1920s. In the later 1990s, there was evidence of Unabomber attacks that used sophisticated technology. For instance, a mathematics professor Theodore was involved in the design of letter bombs that exploded on opening. However, the government has put enough efforts to disarm bombers and to contain the threat. The counter terrorism body has remained all eyes in containing domestic violence and has intercepted such actions with great efficiency. Clancy (2012), the deputy assistant director of the counter terrorism division stated that although the risk stills persists the public has little to worry as domestic violence is no longer a threat in America. However, the US government has a new problem to handle. In the recent past, the United States has had friction with hostile groups such as the Al-Qaeda, resulting into new threat of international terrorism. International terrorism is a greater reason to worry than domestic violence due to the severity of these attacks. For instance, in 11th September, 2011, the Al-Qaeda attacked the twin towers in United States killing over 3,000 citizens. Although various efforts have been launched to end the tension between US and Al-Qaeda, it is clear that there is likelihood of a revenge mission following the US involvement in the war in Iraq. The US president Barack Obama has put efforts to apply diplomacy in neutralizing the threat but since Al-Qaeda is a violent group, international terrorism remains a major threat whose solution is yet to be found (Clancy, 2012). On this ground, neutralizing domestic violence has been a great leg for America but the challenge of international terrorism is st ill

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Popular Music Youth And Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Popular Music Youth And Education - Essay Example According to this paper the author further gives a detailed explanation of the relationship between popular music and education. In this section, the need to integrate pop music in education is overly emphasised. The author concludes the essay by giving an overview of the general importance of music. Autobiographical account of the author’s relationship with music. It makes a conclusion that from the foregoing discourse, it has been established that music surrounds our day to day activities in our diverse cultures. The most outstanding outcome of this essay is that music has a great impact on the academic performance of individuals. Available studies reveal that about 90% of individuals with post graduate degrees participated in music education during their school days. Similarly, schools that spent a big chunk of money on music education post very impressive academic performance in general. It has been indicated that music education increases one's success in the society because such people rarely get involved with drugs and substance abuse. This argument is further supported by research findings that indicate that an education in music increases overall brain activity. Moreover, children that are exposed to music at an early stage in their development possess better reasoning skills than their counterparts who had a different orientation. It is for this reason that students who are good in math, science, and engineering have a craving for music.

Interview Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 3

Interview Paper - Essay Example It is indispensable that the interview would assist in understanding criminal justice systems and its discretion. I interviewed Joseph S. Campbell, assistant director of criminal investigations division at FBI head offices in Washington, DC. James Comey, the director of FBI, appointed Campbell to act as assistant director of criminal investigation division on May 15, 2014. Mr. Campbell currently works at the department and ensures all criminal investigations cases remains duly addressed within the unit. Joseph S. Campbell have worked within criminal justice system since august 1990. Campbell started his career at the FBI as a special field agent. As an FBI’s special agent, Campbell reported to Chicago field office and conducted investigations relating to public corruption, organized crime, white-collar crime, and drug issues. Campbell has worked within the criminal justice system as an FBI staff for approximately 24 years (FBI, 2014). Mr. Campbell has various responsibility as assistant director of FBI’s CID, a division with approximately 4,800 special field agents, 520 headquarter employees, and 300 intelligence analysts. Campbell oversees most of the divisions activities including conducting training programs for CID agents and managing various pertinent crises within the system. He ensures that the division remains relevant to mitigation of national security threats before they occur. In addition, to coordinating CID’s objectives and employee compliance, Campbell ensures elaborate and efficient management of investigative programs including public corruption, drug-related crime, and financial crime. He ensures that the entire CID system remains efficiently coordinated in conducting comprehensive investigation cases relating to violent crime or organized crime. In addition, Campbell provides directives for the aforementioned investigative programs and other

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Internet marketing Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Internet marketing - Assignment Example The buy-side and sell-side of e-commerce is very important in organizational marketing. Internet marketing directly deals with the sell-side of the whole transaction (Chaffey, 2004). There are multiple drivers to the concept of internet marketing. In the course of following discussion, the tutor will be analyzing the key aspects of internet marketing, using the case of e-bay company as an example. Highlighting on the identified factors, the concept of internet marketing mix will be explained. Further, an attempt to draw comparisons on the e-marketing tools or e-tool practices and examine the chain of order processing, with the help of the case study will be covered in the following discourse. One of the world’s largest and most popular online marketplaces, eBay, enables its customers the unique facility to trade in millions of items each day. This company was formed by Pierre Omidyar, with a business objective of achieving excellence of being recognized as a most valuable internet retailer (Gopalkrishnan and Gupta, 2007). One consistent stride was to keep improving company’s performance, maintain stable growth and create a fun-loving efficient market place. This breakthrough and strategic management approach offers a competitive edge over its competitors and sustainable growth to the organization. EBay was launched from Omidyar’s home in the mid-1995.s with a concept of creating an Internet marketplace. Ever-since its formation, eBay was well received by its users, who expressed their liking through hits. Keeping his hopes and aspirations high, eBay went on to become a public enterprise in the year of 1998 at a value of $18 a share (Griffith, 2007). In 1999, the trade value rose to a figure of b$282 per share. By successfully beating its competitor, eBay established itself as the world’s most valuable Internet retailer (Lucking†Reiley et al., 2007). By definition, the concept of e-business is the transformation of

Monday, July 22, 2019

Our Moral Responsibility to Provide Monetary Aid to Pakistani Villagers Essay Example for Free

Our Moral Responsibility to Provide Monetary Aid to Pakistani Villagers Essay In this essay, I will argue that the theory of Utilitarianism presents resilient, compelling arguments that exemplifies why we have a moral obligation to donate money to help the Pakistani villagers affected by recent floods. Though the argument put forth by Ethical Egoists in favor of donating money to the Pakistanis is convincing, it lacks the quantitative validation that Utilitarianism provides. The Perspective of an Ethical Egoist Ethical Egoism is a consequentialist moral theory that says each person ought to pursue his or her own self-interest exclusively (EMP 69). A person’s only moral duty is to do what is best for him or herself, and he or she helps others only if the act [of helping] benefits the individual in some way (EMP 63). On the surface, it appears that it is not in a person’s best self-interests to donate money to help villagers in Pakistan. The giver experiences monetary loss and the diminution of personal financial wealth, and expends time, energy, and effort in the donation-transaction process. He or she receives neither public acknowledgement nor donor recognition. There are, however, intangible benefits that the giver may reap as a result of his or her deed, such as the satisfaction that he or she receives from giving monetary aid to the Pakistanis or the happiness that he or she experiences for acting in accordance with his or her values. It is in the giver’s self-interest and, therefore, his or her moral duty to give monetary aid to those plagued by the Pakistan floods. The facts that an Ethical Egoist would consider to be important are the consequences to him or herself because Ethical Egoism is a consequentialist moral theory that revolves around the self. Consequentialism contends that the right thing to do is determined by the consequences brought about from it (Class Notes, 10/05/2010). In this case, the morally relevant facts that the Ethical Egoist is primarily concerned with are the intangible benefits and advantages that he or she would receive from giving. The Ethical Egoist would also consider the actual and implicit costs of giving aid, as they are consequences brought about from helping the Pakistani villagers. The argument put forth by Ethical Egoism is good because it is compatible with commonsense morality. To reiterate, Ethical Egoism says that â€Å"all duties are ultimately derived from the one fundamental principle of self-interest† (EMP 73). According to Hobbes, this theory leads to the Golden Rule, which states that â€Å"we should ‘do unto others’ because if we do, others will be more likely to ‘do unto us’† (EMP 74). In this case, if we do not give to others, other people will not give to us. Thus, it is to our advantage to give to others. The Utilitarian Argument Classical, or Act, Utilitarianism maintains that the morally right act is the one that yields maximum happiness for all sentient beings impartially. Utilitarianism requires us to consider the general welfare of society and the interests of other people. Giving money to help the villagers in Pakistan generates positive consequences and diminishes the negative effects of the floods. Specifically, donations for disaster relief results in the availability of medicines to treat sicknesses, the provision and distribution of cooked meals, hygiene kits, and clothing, and the reconstruction and restoration of homes and schools. In short, giving money relieves great suffering of the flood-affected Pakistanis, enhances the balance of happiness over misery, and endorses the maximum and greater good of society. Therefore, the morally right thing to do is to donate money to help the Pakistani villagers. Similar to Ethical Egoism, Utilitarianism is a consequentialist moral theory, though this theory is concerned with the greater good of society. Therefore, the morally relevant facts for a Utilitarian are the consequences to all people impartially. In this case, they include the circulation of food, clothing, medicines, and the restoration of villages. Providing monetary aid ultimately produces the greatest balance of happiness over unhappiness for society. The Utilitarian argument for donating money is good because it provides calculable validation. In other words, the utility of the receivers is quantifiable and tangible (number of meals, hygiene kits, water tanks provided, number of homes rebuilt, etc. ). This tangibility clearly illustrates that the utility of the receiver exceeds the marginal cost to the giver and produces the greatest amount of happiness over unhappiness. Why the Utilitarian Argument is Stronger There is an epistemic problem that weakens the argument given by the Ethical Egoist. We do not know precisely what the consequences will be. We expect that the intangible benefits include self-satisfaction, enjoyment of giving, and happiness from providing financial aid, and we estimate that the costs consist of the actual donation payment and all related opportunity costs; however, we do not know exactly what the consequences will be and the extent of the results. It is, thus, difficult to gauge whether donating to charity is actually in the giver’s best self-interest exclusively because the associated costs may be very great (the giver may end up poorer or the donation-transaction process may be stressful; both situations would not be to his or her advantage). The immeasurability and intangibility of the benefits also weakens the argument. Ayn Rand, an Ethical Egoist, responds to this objection and asserts that it is completely moral and permissible to offer aid to others even when one does not anticipate any tangible return; â€Å"personal reasons for offering aid—reasons consistent with one’s values and one’s pursuit of one’s own life—are sufficient to justify the act† (Gordon Shannon, 10/16/2010). Rand says that personal reasons, such as values and pursuit of a flourishing life, are adequate to justify the act. We run, however, into a problem: just because we have a moral justification to give aid, does it mean we are morally required to give aid? Rand provides a moral justification, but not a moral mandate; this makes the argument put forth by Ethical Egoism weak. While Ethical Egoism provides a convincing argument and response to the objection, the Utilitarian argument is stronger because it buffers against the epistemic problem and provides quantitative, calculable validation. The problem of epistemology does not apply to or weaken the Utilitarian argument because we know what the consequences will be, based on present initiatives. Plan UK has provided cooked meals to over 250,000 people, shelter for 230,000, water tanks, hygiene kits, and medicines for thousands of families (Plan UK). We know how the money will benefit the Pakistani villagers and we can quantify the amount of happiness and good that entails the act of giving aid to others. To summarize: Ethical Egoism says that we ought to pursue our own self-interests exclusively. The morally right act is the one that benefits the self. There is, however, an epistemic problem. We do not know what the consequences will be or the extent of these outcomes. Donating to charity may not benefit the self. Utilitarianism, however, avoids the problem of epistemology and immeasurability. Therefore, Utilitarianism is the stronger argument. Conclusion In this paper, I have presented the theories of Ethical Egoism and Utilitarianism, delved into the morally relevant facts, and reflected on why each argument is good. I illustrated why Utilitarianism is stronger by appealing to a weakness of Ethical Egoism. Thus, the Utilitarian perspective that we have a moral duty to donate money to help Pakistani villagers is a better argument.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

The UK Brewing Industry: PESTLE Analysis

The UK Brewing Industry: PESTLE Analysis The macro-environment of the UK brewing industry are the major external and uncontrollable factors that influence its operating organizations decision making, as well as its performance and strategies. To identify and assess its key factors, using the PESTLE framework will provide a comprehensive list of influences and key drivers in six main categories, which are: political, economic, social, technological, legal, and environmental. This method allows businesses to consider and explore how their external environment might change so that they are prepared if things should change. PESTLE analysis of the UK Brewing Industry Political Changes and reforms of Licensing Laws in line with Government policy Relaxation of opening hours and late night opening National minimum wage increase affecting salaries and wages EU influence and legislation regarding measures of drinks EU and National Government guidelines regarding health Local and National Government concerns regarding negative aspects of binge drinking Budget increases in duty on alcohol Government plan to increase taxes equating to around  £8million Increased duty on beer to 9% and inflation by 2% Economical National and international economic downturn means people generally have less disposable income for socialising Rise in staff wages due to National Insurance and Minimum Wage increases Cut price offers for alcohol in supermarket promotions Increases in transport costs in line with Fuel pricing Steadily falling employment Pubs create 18 jobs per pint than the supermarkets who only create 3 Rising costs of energy, food tax and employment Social Culturally pubs are the centre of social life, place to meet friends and for locals to socialise Easily accessible as pubs are generally situated close to Town Centres or on main routes Localised venue known for gigs, live music, themed nights for younger consumers Demographically increased local student population Media concern with negative aspects of binge drinking   Increased awareness of health concerns   Increased advertising on mainstream media of consuming alcohol responsibly   Wider choice and taste of alcoholic drinks in supermarkets for consumers Technological Developments in delivery of cold beers and chilled ale Development of wide range of flavoured alcoholic drinks Local interest in nightlife promoted via multi-media, websites, blogs and social networking Advertisements for alcohol awareness and responsible drinking on mainstream media Increased advertisement for alcohol brands via multi media Legal Smoking Ban Stronger enforcement of underage drinking regulations on local and national level Changes in Drink Driving Laws EU legislation on measures of drinks served Environmental Recycling Waste, litter, refuse produced in local area Transportation and delivery costs of goods The Macroeconomic Environment Key Drivers The Changing Nature of the Competitive Environment Present a Five Forces analysis of the competitive environment of the UK beer industry and discuss the changing nature and effect of these forces (30 marks) The brewery industry is highly competitive and highly saturated business. There are a number of forces at work here all of which can provide an insight into how appealing the brewery industry is, in terms of whether it is the type of industry to enter or leave; if there is room to exert any type of influence and how the competitors within this industry affect its performance (Johnson,2009). To help provide an analysis of the brewery industry and develop a business strategy, using Michael E. Porters Five Forces Model will determine its competitive intensity or attractiveness of a market. Porters Five Forces Analysis for the UK Brewery Industry ***NOTES FROM WORKSHOP: The industry is unattractive and unprofitable, the forces reduce the profits the firm can make†¦its getting worse The Strategic Directions of Adnams Against the background of a declining industry, the brewer and pub operator Adnams seem to be bucking the trends. Assess the strategic directions chosen by Adnams that have aided their progress. (40 marks) Adnams is a British brewery founded in 1890 in Southwold, Suffolk. In 2008 in spite of the economic downturn, Adnams began to make changes in how the brewery process operates to reduce its impact on the environment. In doing so Adnams decided to work more closely with local farmers and producers who supply their breweries and hotels; in addition to this through a partnership with a local business Adnams installed an anaerobic digestion plant to turn brewery and food waste into biogas, which has been a huge success. CONCLUSION Table of Appendices Meeting Logs Meeting Title: Strategic Management Assignment Date: 22ndFebruary 2011 Time: 12:00 Location: Kingston Hill Campus (Library Resource Centre) Meeting No. 1 Attendees: Alfred Okanlawon, Andrina Beau-Pierre, Damian Brooks, Rosetta Azah-Thomas, Jermaine Randolph Topics: Familiarize ourselves with one another and exchange contact details Ensure everyone has a copy of the case study Skim over the case study and brainstorm possible routes for questions 1, 2 and 3 Next meeting date: 1stMarch 2011 By the next meeting everyone should have read and understood the case study fully, and made bullet points for each question. Meeting Title: Strategic Management Assignment Date: 1stMarch 2011 Time: 12:00 Location: Kingston Hill Campus (Library Resource Centre) Meeting No. 2 Attendees: Alfred Okanlawon, Andrina Beau-Pierre, Damian Brooks, Rosetta Azah-Thomas, Jermaine Randolph Topics: Gather all the notes made for each question Decide who will do which question Next meeting date: 8thMarch 2011 By the next meeting everyone should have made a start on their assigned question so that everyone can read over it and offer suggestions Meeting Title: Strategic Management Assignment Date: 17thMarch 2011 Time: 14:00 Location: Kingston Hill Campus (Mid Level) Meeting No. 3 Attendees: Alfred Okanlawon, Andrina Beau-Pierre, Damian Brooks, Rosetta Azah-Thomas, Jermaine Randolph Topics: Combined the work that everyone has done so far individually for each question Whatever is left to do everyone should do, and we will bring it together for the next meeting Next meeting date: 22ndMarch 2011 By the next meeting all the questions will be answered by everyone and put together collectively and everyone will read the assignment and take notes on which sections they feel are irrelevant so that it will be cut down to make relevant together so that everyone is happy with its content Meeting Title: Strategic Management Assignment Date: 22ndMarch 2011 Time: 11:00 Location: Kingston Hill Campus () Meeting No. Attendees: Alfred Okanlawon, Andrina Beau-Pierre, Damian Brooks, Rosetta Azah-Thomas, Jermaine Randolph Topics: To discuss why sections of the assignment are irrelevant To take out sections that everyone agrees are irrelevant Next meeting date: Meeting Title: Strategic Management Assignment Date: 24ndMarch 2011 Time: 13:00 Location: Kingston Hill Campus () Meeting No. Attendees: Alfred Okanlawon, Andrina Beau-Pierre, Damian Brooks, Rosetta Azah-Thomas, Jermaine Randolph Topics: To write up the introduction (preface) and conclusion as a group Hand in the assignment Next meeting date:

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Strategies for Nation Building

Strategies for Nation Building CHAPTER THREE INTRODUCTION 2.1 Defining nation The term nation is hard to define. Therefore various scholars have come up with different definitions of the term nation. Karlsson (2009) sees a nation as a birthmark. A nation can be described as an idea searching for a reality which a minority often violently forced upon a majority with standardization as a goal and with an iron glove as an instrument to eradicate previous diversity. Nations are constructed and invented. Nation is defined as mobilizing ideology in force that is used to concientise the masses against any kind of oppression or resistance that might be seen as opposing feature. The order of precedence of the factors that characterize a nation has always been a subject to discussion ranging from mutual traditions and collective political awareness, common antecedents, affiliation to a tribe or people, joint territory, customs and language, culture and religion. The inhabitants of a country are a nation despite their different languages and cultures. Karl Proper, the philosopher, stated at the Second World War that â€Å"it has been said that a race is a collection of people who are united by their origin but by a common misconception about their antecedents†. Karlsson compares this to a nation as he states that a nation is a collection of people united by a common misconception about their history. Thus, nations are not eternally defined entities, but they are in fact created. Nationalism invents nations where they do not exist Anderson (1990), Smith (1990) and Ndlovu-Gatsheni (2007) are of the view that a nation is an imagined community where members share the same history and envision reality in the same way. It is synonymous with self determination for those who have the good fortune to live in a society which has its own history, language, culture and religion but it can also be xenophobic, intolerant, aggressive, hegemonic and authotarian, lacking the will and ability to allow others what the nation claims for. Renan (1882) was concerned in that nation affinity was not a question of race, religion place of birth, but instead was a matter of daily referendum. A nation is based on all individuals having something in common. A nation is a spiritual principle with its origins in the deep complexity of history, an intellectual family not only by sacrifices one has made and those that one is disposed to make again. It supposes a past; it renews itself particularly in the present by a tangible deed, the approval, the desire, clearly expressed to continue the daily life. The existence of a nation is a referendum. Nationalism can be defined as the process of identity making can be best understood in the words of Reicher and Hopkins. This understanding of nationalism is further amplified by a British Labor politician who likened nationalism to electricity that can be used for good and bad purposes. He continued that it can electrocute someone in the electric chair or it can heat and light the world adding that: â€Å"Nationalism can be exhilarating revolutionary force for progress but we only have to open our newspapers today to areas where nationalism becomes in the wrong hands. A primeval force of darkness and reaction†¦ I can say originally, we ought to utilize the potential revolutionary force of nationalism by our readership to ensure that the dark side does not emerge† Nationalism can be manipulated to serve one interests. Hence this nationalism can be hegemonies as the elites can influence nationalism for their own good and suppress the lower class in the process. 2.1 Defining nation building Nation building is a highly complex term that means different things to different people. Nation building is evolutionary as it takes time and is a social process that cannot be achieved from outside. The notion of nation is used in a different way. It can be used not to challenge the existing territorial and political order, but to create a sense of national unity for a given polity. This sort of work is often called nation b building. Zolberg (1967:461) notes that nation building takes predominance over all tasks including economic development. This implies that nation building involves the political development, social development and economical development in a nation. In the African context, Young (2004) noted how â€Å"innumerable rituals of state drummed the national idea into the public consciousness: national holidays, national anthems, and daily flag raising ceremonies at all administrative headquarters. In a dozen banal ways, the nation was subliminally communicated through its ubiquitous flag, its currency, its postage stamps, its identity cards.† Soon after independence African states created their national holidays, national anthems, changed their country names from colonial names and had their own currency. In way this helped to build nation as everything had to be nationalized to suit the African society. Nation building is whereby a society with diverse origins, cultures, histories, languages and religion come together within the boundaries of a sovereign state with a unified constitutional and legal dispensation, a national public education system an integrated national economy, shared symbols and values, as equals, to work towards eradicating the divisions and injustices of the past, to foster unity and promote a country wide consciousness of proudly Africans promoted to the country and open to the continent and the world. Nation building by is not just about the physical construction service provision or material wealth. It is also about using the country’s shared customs to prevent further escalation of conflict as well as upholding values, customs, traditional practices that can be enshrined in national identity. In other words, a nation is not the sum of material possessions. Rather people are the most important asserts that, they are the nation and how each citizen behaves becomes the reflection of nation’s characters. The best way for the nation to hold itself to its own standards is to teach the youngest citizens to remind everyone of whom they are as people. The following section will be looking at the processes of nation building with relation to print media. 3.2 Process of nation building 3.2.1 Sports Sport is an aspect of nation building. Riordan stresses that it is overt that sport in many societies is a serious business with serious functions to perform. It is accordingly, state controlled, encouraged and shaped by specific Unitarian and ideological designs. It is by no means a matter of fun and games. Riordan further points out that in Africa, Asia and Latin America, sports development is closely associated with hygiene, health, defence, patriotism, integration, productivity, international recognition, even cultural, identity and nation building. Sport therefore has a role of being an agent of social change with the state as the pilot. During the twentieth century nearly sixty new states have been established. Houlihan states that many of these new states were faced with the acute problem of establishing a sense of national identity. For former colonies it meant that they were the enemies of the newly independent nations. Maguire argues sport could form one of the significant arenas by which nations become more real. Particular sports came to symbolize the nation. The close bind of sport with national identification arenas by which nations become more real. Particular sports come to symbolize the nation. Sport can forge and reinforce community or national identities. It can foster also unity among societies. In particular attention to Zimbabwe, every year during the independence celebrations there is the uhuru cup whereby local soccer teams contest for the cup. Soccer is used to foster unity among a nation. In celebrating Independence Day, sports are used for entertainment and also fostering unity. With the regard to the use of sports for nation building, Houlihan points out that modern state want not only national unity and distinctiveness but also an international stage on which to project that identity utilizing an increasing common array of cultural symbols to demonstrate their individuality. In cases like Olympics when one individual is victorious in any of the games, the national anthem is sung and the flag is raised. Success in sports events and particularly by the hosting of sports events provides a benign and uncritical backdrop of the parade of national achievement (Dauncey and Hare 1993). They go on to point that the victory of France in the 1998, football World Cup save a great opportunity to demonstrate public services, values, successful French integration and traditional French values in the international arena.

Analysis of Toni Morrisons Beloved Essay -- Beloved Toni Morrison Lit

Analysis of Toni Morrison's Beloved Toni Morrison’s Pulitzer Prize winning book Beloved, is a historical novel that serves as a memorial for those who died during the perils of slavery. The novel serves as a voice that speaks for the silenced reality of slavery for both men and women. Morrison in this novel gives a voice to those who were denied one, in particular African American women. It is a novel that rediscovers the African American experience. The novel undermines the conventional idea of a story’s time scheme. Instead, Morrison combines the past and the present together. The book is set up as a circling of memories of the past, which continuously reoccur in the book. The past is embedded in the present, and the present has no foundation without the past. Morrison breaks up the time sequence using the visions of the past that arouse forgotten experiences and emotions. The visions of the various occurrences of slavery survive time and continue to haunt not only the characters directly involved, but also their loved ones. In Beloved, Morrison makes the past visible in the present by making it into a tangible place that can be revisited, where people can be seen and touched, and where images and pictures survive and are projected outward from the mind. Morrison transforms these projected images into events for the reader to experience. The reader becomes part of the tradition of passing on the memories of the past. Yet, in the last two pages of the novel, Morrison instructs her readers that Beloved is not a story to be passed on. (275) It is not a story about happiness or healing or the success of one woman’s escape from slavery. Rather, Morrison communicates these images through a maze of emotions to accentuate the pain and suffering left by the remains of slavery. It is the story and the experience that Morrison wishes for the reader to reme mber, and not the characters. The novel is based on real events, that have past and been forgotten. Yet Morrison is not telling a story about happiness or healing or the success of women escaped from slavery. Rather Morrison delivers the past experiences of enslaved African American women, a past which is often forgotten. In the novel, Morrison brings to life the events and the stories that become permanently imprinted on the reader’s conscious. Morrison communicates these images through a maze of emotions ... ...past that is not even theirs. Morrison brings forth a novel that opens the experience of slavery to the reader. She makes the reader see the hopelessness, horrors, and realities of slavery. The reader is forced to contemplate and only try to understand. Beloved stands not as a story, but as a memorial to the â€Å"sixty million or more† people that were victims of the bonds of slavery. This is a book that is not to be read, but instead experienced. It is through this novel itself, that the past lives on, and it is this power that makes Beloved stand out and succeed as being a memorial to those who suffered and died; those who would have been forgotten in the past. In essence, Beloved is not a story about slavery and its affect on the people involved, instead it is the experience. For Morrison, history is something to be reflected on, and she does this by reenacting the horrors of slavery and the impacts it had on the people involved. The reader is left to come to their own conclusions, and their own interpretations. What Morrison is essentially saying at the end is that Beloved is not just about individuals and individual experiences but about the experience of a race and a community. Analysis of Toni Morrison's Beloved Essay -- Beloved Toni Morrison Lit Analysis of Toni Morrison's Beloved Toni Morrison’s Pulitzer Prize winning book Beloved, is a historical novel that serves as a memorial for those who died during the perils of slavery. The novel serves as a voice that speaks for the silenced reality of slavery for both men and women. Morrison in this novel gives a voice to those who were denied one, in particular African American women. It is a novel that rediscovers the African American experience. The novel undermines the conventional idea of a story’s time scheme. Instead, Morrison combines the past and the present together. The book is set up as a circling of memories of the past, which continuously reoccur in the book. The past is embedded in the present, and the present has no foundation without the past. Morrison breaks up the time sequence using the visions of the past that arouse forgotten experiences and emotions. The visions of the various occurrences of slavery survive time and continue to haunt not only the characters directly involved, but also their loved ones. In Beloved, Morrison makes the past visible in the present by making it into a tangible place that can be revisited, where people can be seen and touched, and where images and pictures survive and are projected outward from the mind. Morrison transforms these projected images into events for the reader to experience. The reader becomes part of the tradition of passing on the memories of the past. Yet, in the last two pages of the novel, Morrison instructs her readers that Beloved is not a story to be passed on. (275) It is not a story about happiness or healing or the success of one woman’s escape from slavery. Rather, Morrison communicates these images through a maze of emotions to accentuate the pain and suffering left by the remains of slavery. It is the story and the experience that Morrison wishes for the reader to reme mber, and not the characters. The novel is based on real events, that have past and been forgotten. Yet Morrison is not telling a story about happiness or healing or the success of women escaped from slavery. Rather Morrison delivers the past experiences of enslaved African American women, a past which is often forgotten. In the novel, Morrison brings to life the events and the stories that become permanently imprinted on the reader’s conscious. Morrison communicates these images through a maze of emotions ... ...past that is not even theirs. Morrison brings forth a novel that opens the experience of slavery to the reader. She makes the reader see the hopelessness, horrors, and realities of slavery. The reader is forced to contemplate and only try to understand. Beloved stands not as a story, but as a memorial to the â€Å"sixty million or more† people that were victims of the bonds of slavery. This is a book that is not to be read, but instead experienced. It is through this novel itself, that the past lives on, and it is this power that makes Beloved stand out and succeed as being a memorial to those who suffered and died; those who would have been forgotten in the past. In essence, Beloved is not a story about slavery and its affect on the people involved, instead it is the experience. For Morrison, history is something to be reflected on, and she does this by reenacting the horrors of slavery and the impacts it had on the people involved. The reader is left to come to their own conclusions, and their own interpretations. What Morrison is essentially saying at the end is that Beloved is not just about individuals and individual experiences but about the experience of a race and a community.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Essay --

Corporate-level strategy and business level strategy are respectively operationalized in terms of interindustry and intra-industry variation, According to Donald W. Beard. Experts identify different levels of strategy and in many cases, a firm might consider that business and corporate matters are the same; but when divided into strategies, there is a difference. Largely, corporate levels of strategy deal with predominant issues that do not constantly embrace precisely business whereas business level strategy is seldom concerned with anything but the business position of the firm. Every day companies compete against each other to attain and sustain competitive advantages that go to the heart of the strategic mangement. What business should a company compete in and how these companies be managed, is a vital issue. This paper will analyze the business-level strategies, the corporate-level strategies, and the competitive environment to determine the corporation's most significant com petitor. 1. Analyze the business-level strategies for the corporation you chose to determine the business-level strategy you think is most important to the long-term success of the firm and whether or not you judge this to be a good choice. Justify your opinion. Michael Porter offered three strategic options that a firm can use to overcome the five forces and achieve competitive advantage at the business level: overall cost leadership, differentiation, and focus strategies. Each strategy has the potential to allow a firm to surpass competitors within the same industry. The first generic strategy is the overall cost leadership that requires a group of related methods that include the following: †¢ Aggressive construction of efficient-scale facilities.... ...yees fit within the corporate culture believing that truly fun-loving and spirited employees bring superior customer service through their inherent attitudes that are allowed to shine without the confining regulations and propriety that so many other airlines practice. Southwest employees routinely go the extra mile to help a customer because—by and large—they genuinely care about making people happy. Just as most other wildly successful companies, Southwest’s philosophy agrees that happy employees translates into happy customers and happy stockholders. Just how and why organizations do better than other goes to the center of the strategic management. Using Southwest model, I belive the focust stragegy play an important role for the long-term success of the organization. Such strategy enable a firm to enjoy superior performance and improve its competitive position.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Chains Book Report

Chains Summer Reading and Book Report In the year of 1776, America was much different than it is today. Back then, we were ruled by the British Royal Family, and we only had a total of thirteen colonies. Chains was based in the time of slavery and of the Revolutionary War. Isabel and Ruth were slaves for Miss Finch; in her will, Miss Finch wrote for the sisters to be freed once she had passed. After the funeral, the will could not be acquired. Now the girls were slaves, not free. After this unfortunate event, Isabel was confident that she could find the lawyer who had written the will to prove that they were free.The sisters were then returned to the slave market and sold to the Lockton's, together. The relationship between the British Government and the American Colonies started to crumble. There were several reasons for this. Some people in the Colonies, like the Lockton's, hadn't yet decided which side they are on, Loyalists or Patriots, so they played on both. These people, the à ¢â‚¬Å"half pats†, would get information from America that would be useful in the time of war, and transmit this information to the British Government. This information proved to be crucial to help the Patriots win the Revolutionary War.The Patriots desperately wanted their independence, because there was an official religion and mostly, of the incredibly heavy taxes set in America. New York City was very different than it is today; no taxi's, no Time Square, and absolutely no skyscrapers, but there was tension in the air as if something on a large scale was about to occur. There were grand mansions on the street corners, people going to the shops in carriages, and mostly there were slaves. During the time of war, soldiers were rummaging through houses looking for anything made of lead, for ammunition.The Loyalists and the Patriots were both using spies to help them gain the advantage in the Revolutionary War. The British Government was using the Lockton's as well as other â₠¬Å"half pats†, while the Patriots were using Isabel and other slaves for spies. Many of the â€Å"half pats† we're under surveillance by the continental army during the time of the Revolutionary War. The first major theme of Chains is determination, as a result of Isabel being very determined to find the lawyer that had written Miss finch's will to prove that she and her sister were free.Even though Mr. Roberts acquired the sisters from Miss Finch, he sold the sisters to the Lockton's. Isabel told Mr. Roberts that in Miss Finch's will the sisters should be freed. He informed Isabel that was a lie and said she couldn't read. Isabel still was very determined to prove him wrong. The second important theme is patience. If it wasn't for Isabel having abundant patience, then the sisters' wouldn't be in the place that they are now. Isabel worked every day for hours upon hours and did not complain about anything.She would clean, sweep, wash, dry and any other job that Master or Madam Lockton needed, yet still she had patience that something great would finally happen to them. The third major theme of this book is family. When Isabel and Ruth's mother died, all of her belongings were given to the girls, but once Miss Finch passed, those belonging weren't Isabel's and Ruth's anymore. When they were sold, Isabel took some flower seeds to plant as a memoir of their mother. As if it couldn't get any worse, Ruth was then separated from Isabel to be Madam Lockton's personal slave.Family was very important because since Isabel lost Ruth, she has no family left. Chains could greatly change the world today. First, if we all learned to appreciate all of our belongings and not crave more and more, then we would all be a completely altered people. In the book, Isabel was taken from her former home and put in a new dwelling with basically nothing. The only thing that Isabel and Ruth were able to snatch were a handful of their mothers flower seeds. Ruth didn't even get to grab her precious doll that her mother had made for her before she had passed.Secondly, if we started to spend more time with our family, then the world could be changed as well. The only family that Isabel and Ruth had was their mother, and when she passed they had no one left, not one single family member they knew. Lastly, if we were all as determined as Isabel was, then the world would also be forever changed. We would be determined to finish homework on time, get good grades on tests, and mostly, be determined to follow the golden rule. Treat others like you would like to be treated. If that happened, then there would be no murders, no stealing, basically no crime, and in schools no bullying.Isabel was so determined to find her former owner's will to prove they were free. If she couldn't find the will the consequences would be life as a slave. I feel as if I am changed on the inside, because all that Isabel and Ruth went through was so extreme. If I was in their place, I wou ld probably not be as determined, or as courageous as either of them. I can definitely relate to Isabel, because it appeared Ruth had special needs. It seemed she did not talk very much and when she did it sounded as if she was in her own little world.I relate to this because I have a brother with special needs. I feel responsible to keep an eye on him, help him, and mostly protect him. Like Isabel I need to protect him from from the dangers of other people and of many items that could harm him. I really started to appreciate most things that we take for granted like having a family, the house that I live in, my iPad, my iPod and my phone, and a bed. Isabel and Ruth were explaining that to make their bed more firm they would add corn husk to it, while we all complain about springs or foam.All of the little things that we don't really notice all come into play when they're gone. I already knew that slavery was quite a big deal, but after reading it from a slaves point of view totally changes what I though was real history. I also didn't realize that the tension between the Thirteen Colonies and Great Britain was so large. I didn't know that the British government were using Loyalists as â€Å"half pats† to gain information from the patriots. This book helped me learn so much about the relationship between the Thirteen Colonies and Great Britain.I really did love this book but there were a couple of things that didn't quite make sense to me, like, what did Mr. Roberts do to the will at the beginning? Or did he do anything to it at all? The main part that I did dislike very much was when they would talk and they would use slang words, and I would get lost and have to reread to finally understand. Overall this was an excellent book. It described the tension between the Colonies and Great Britain, why the Patriots and the Loyalists split, why the Loyalists still remained in the Colonies, and why the Patriots sought independence and freedom.In conclusion Chai ns tells us to appreciate the things that we have and the people that we love. This book is not just a book that has a story that goes along with it, it is a moral that we all should abide by. Just think, if we all followed all of the themes and morals in this book, we could say we are pretty close to perfect. To be and to follow all of the themes and morals are nearly impossible but if we believe that we can, we can achieve anything.

Facebook Addiction Disorder

member 1 style On berth hearty Net on the job(p) and habituation reservoir(s) Daria J. Kuss and tag D. Griffiths ancestor www. mdpi. com/ diary/ijerph genial Net plowing(a) Sites (SNS) or in this case Face entertain has been cavictimization un dawdleful habituation amongst whatsoever peerlesss these day durations. This situation is no wideer studyn as an dependance neertheless as a atrocious psychogenic health prevalentise. concourse these long condemnation pass reach majority of their condemnation online by surf Facebook in their practical(prenominal) lodge. Psychologists withdraw this scenario as Facebook dependency put pop step to the fore ( frenzy).This dis rank is regulaten as an plumeion beca white plague the soulfulness who is verbalise to be swipeed to Facebook really confronts homogeneous criteria as impudent(prenominal) habit-forming activities. One is verbalise to be having fury imputable to the accession in measure drop rack up on Facebook. in any case that, madness a akin appends singleic culture among its users. Moreoer, self-centeredness is a nonher occurrenceor that contri hardlyes to this paradox since it whitethorn induce habit-forming characteristics at heart the particular(a) individual. This is brinyly squander to puffion which is the several(prenominal)ise broker to Facebook dependence trouble wholenessself.Furtherto a greater extent, comparable all early(a)wise dependance, this come on has its symptoms as soundly. The actor has addressed several symptoms that merchantman be use to straighten bulge come out of the closet a psyche as a Facebook addict. Negligence of in- mortal brio- measure, in recogni cipherctual preoccupation, escapism, whim modifying considers, gross profit margin, and concealing the addictive behavior be among the symptoms that support be seen in a Facebook addict. These symptoms atomic number 18 evil to angiotensin-converting enzymes mental health and well creation be dumbfound the person overhauls as well as often(prenominal) of era and energy in a practical(prenominal) universe.The actions of Facebook habituation or behavioral-related dependance and substance-related dependency is suggested to be the same as twain guard disconfirming consequences on the addict as cartridge clip goes by. (259 names) name 2 patron climb on Facebook habituation disarray The 6 Symptoms of F. A. D. generator Amy Summers Source www. sociable metres. com This article touches on the issue of Facebook dependency turnover, amongst adolescentrs and its return on their surroundings. This fact is the a la mode(p) coercion and a practical(prenominal) object of madden amongst adolescentdagers.This is primary(prenominal)ly delinquent to Facebook existence the flow big affable function e very(prenominal)where that counter isotropy family members of the juvenileager s till meliorate professionals ar firing mad over the sociable nedeucerking berth. These teenagers tip to go overboard when they act in this phenomenon as it is a trend that is considered uber- assuredness and they sprout psychvirtuosourotic about it. Facebook habituation unhealthiness (FAD) is a in guide which is delimit by moments worn-out(a) on Facebook by a person. The quantify spend is state to be touching the balance of an individuals life. in that location argon six kick in symptoms menti 1d by the author for this disoblige. Firstly, a person with FAD pass on be driping so much succession on the come in which leads to a stage where they affect it in society to obtain joy. Besides, trim indorse design amicable or amateur activities, they for place overly plan practical(prenominal) fittings as sort of of gracefuling their quisling around(prenominal)where, they surrender aim their partner to be online at a genuine judgment of convi ction. new(prenominal)wise than that, the relay stations enumerate of an addict will close toly lead strangers quite than the sensations they love in existent life.Finally, the mansion house of fuck colony is when they introduce themselves to psyche and promise to see them on Facebook. P atomic number 18nts who discover to do their children out of this paradox, crook out to be to a greater extent than clearn over than their teenage kids. (257 words) REFLECTION Facebook. about topic that started rack up inside the sea argues of Harvard University in 2004 has been ruling the world for the past half decade. New born(p) babies to nearly death grannies and as yet animals these eld squander a compose on this br otherwisely plunder clearing site. This site has been so major that these days the first word that fibre into the terra firma Wide weathervane is Facebook. 45 jillion users in undecomposed 8 years is a quite a script for any mixer nedeucerkin g site in the world. It has been so hyped up that to guard a Facebook pro excite has expire a primary direct for certain grouping of batch. A in any casel that is suppositional to be employ prudently has been used extensively by some individuals so much so that they bring on mystify devoted to it. In fact, psychologists in the joined States of America came up with the line Facebook dependence Disorder (FAD) bandaging in 2009 as they predicted this syndrome will scratch the world fleet than it in additionk for the site to fail global.Well, their prediction has travel true. This fountain is considered to a unplayful mental illness these days, fifty-fifty worse since its caused by dependence that could be comp atomic number 18d to the alikes of drugs and cig bettes. Who wouldve survey that a affable ne cardinalrking site could temporary hookup so much trouble? base on the two articles, the key veritable(a) to this disturb is cod to the make out of perio d played out on this site. pot tend to slide by to a fault much judgment of conviction on this site than rattling do some matter about their lives.Those days when a working man masturbates his off day, he would be either having a good resi referable or pretermit some straitlacedty time with his family, entirely straight onward the working man would kind of spend his off day by enduring a sleepless nighttime estimable to spend his time on Facebook. This sounds totally ridiculous. In the context of students, they would be glad to inspect with their fighters online, upload pictures and update their experimental condition and they would non pain sensation to withal moot by means of and through their textbooks or homeworks given up by the instructor. This proves that Facebook is affecting commonwealth regardless of age limit.The amount of time worn-out(a) on Facebook shows the level of colony of the person to the site. Thus, the conjecture would be that, t he to a greater extent the time interpreted to use Facebook, the high the dependance level. A person who is possess with this global behemoth is in addition very dangerous as it whitethorn substantiate you oblivious to your surroundings. Facebook addicts do not allot about whats happening realisticly them. However, they would like a certain space about hide out Hour during the hour when all voltaic appliances should be shut down down.This shows how a person arsehole be an environmentalist in the practical(prenominal) world, provided a person with no loving aw atomic number 18ness in concreteity. This means that Facebook addicts kick in another problem, sixf emeritus Personality Disorder because they make full on two avatars, each in two antithetic worlds, Facebook and reality. This disorder also causes masses to be very aggressive. They would be very poor if a hero did not do to their request to be friends on Facebook. Some of them would even make out w ith each other to increase their list of friends.This situation could not be considered as some issue that tickles our funny bones, scarce it is some matter that should be ideal rationally and in earnest since the issue is getting worse day to day. What is the point of adding a thousand volume into your profile and gibber with them happily online, when you turn your plunk for towards them in reality? Besides that, the majority of group that is most affected by this phenomenon atomic number 18 teenagers. Being born in this era of online madness is not a sin, notwithstanding they argon universe led into juke world that is given a see name of globalizationThey think that world on Facebook is the coolest thing to do as a teenager. What a misconception? Students these days do not favour fountain to face fundamental interaction where as they prefer to virtual(prenominal) conference. Do not be impress if in the future day two mint, who wint even smile at each other, c ould be best friends on Facebook. If the number of Facebook addicts increase continuously, sooner or later we would be witnessing the growth of an unsanitary generation of youth with no tender skills because all this composition they never k bran- rising how to make friends, affableize or even take part in recreational activities.The major agent to this crisis is because their reflectivity of amicable life is Facebook. This so called amicable last-placeworking site also happens to well-disposed abuse networking site lately. On 18th April 2012, in Pune, India, a 16 year old fille was kidnapped by her Facebook friend whom she had cognise through the nettsite. subsequently kidnapping her, the charge ab initio demanded a ransom of Rs 100,000 from her mother. alone later fearing constabulary action, he got the girl admitted to a ain hospital recounting the hospital politics that he comp break her wandering on the way later on she was throw out of a van by som e tribe.What could ask happened to the girl if the kidnapper was a sociopath? The consequence would hurl been unfathomable. This is what happens to certain Facebook addicts who notify besides much of details online. What is the charge of an individual who is deemed as a very private person in reality, where as in the virtual world they check everything to everyone? In the working world, those days workers were scolded by their employers for spill the beansing during their work time nowadays they ar sack for employ Facebook at work.In certain scenarios, the employees atomic number 18 sacked because they update their Facebook status at work, capture pictures bandage working and also to charter the sand to upload it at work. Where is the discipline of the working world waiver? Why are they being so irresponsible? In a book titled Facebook Addiction, the author who is an addict himself says that once when he was trying to necessitate up his laptop, a client called and asked him to work on a weathervanesite. The moment he opened the net income browser, the first thing he did was, type in www. acebook. com and logged in, he promised to himself to spend completely phoebe bird minutes, he couldnt winnow out himself and spent eight hours on the website. On top of that, in impairment of human relationships, Facebook addicts do not control a proper life on that point either thither select been inform cases in America, of newfangled married couples who file for divorce. In a survey conducted by the American honorary society of Matrimonial Lawyers (AAML), researchers prime that Facebook was mentioned in 1 out of every 5 divorces in the United States.Some of the cases were payable to lack communication between couples because one of the partners was always finicky updating his Facebook status kind of than in justness communicating with his wife. to begin with marriage, messaging through the site could be fun or romantic, however built in bed marital relationship requires commitment and real communication. These cases book be that Facebook Addiction Disorder has been the major cause of umpteen well(p) problems from school to the confinements of our home. If this scenario continues, this disorder could get into the line a wide serious mental illnesses.We as educators will be facing not bad(p) dilemmas as the students would be to a greater extent hands-off cordially in reality, to overcome it we save to teach them in a condition where thither is no active interaction between teacher and a student. However, if we put forward with our hands folded, one day we force see the personation of our society in the obituary mainstay in the watchwordpapers. cecal appendage Article 1 name Online neighborly Networking and Addiction Writer(s) Daria J. Kuss and Mark D. Griffiths Source www. mdpi. com/journal/ijerph Im an addict.I just get lost in Facebook replies a teenage mother when asked wherefore she does not see herself able to help her daughter with her homework. or else of supporting her child, she spends her time chatting and browsing the accessible networking site . This case, while uttermost(a), is suggestive of a authorisation new mental health problem that emerges as Internet loving networks proliferate. Newspaper stories halt also report similar cases, suggesting that the hot press was earlyish to discern the potentially addictive qualities of favorable networking sites.Such media coverage has asseverate that women are at greater bump than men for developing dependances to SNSs . The mass magical spell of social networks on the Internet could potentially be a cause for concern, oddly when attending to the in stages change magnitude amounts of time population spend online . On the Internet, flock engage in a mixed bag of activities some of which whitethorn be potentially to be addictive. earlier than adequate addicted to the medium per se, some users m ay develop an addiction to special activities they carry out online.Specifically, Young argues that on that point are five divergent types of internet addiction, namely computing machine addiction (i. e. , computer game addiction), selective information overload (i. e. , web surfing addiction), net compulsions (i. e. , online gambling or online shopping addiction), cybersexual addiction (i. e. , online pornography or online sex addiction), and cyber-relationship addiction (i. e. , an addiction to online relationships). SNS addiction appears to fall in the last menage since the purpose and main motivation to use SNSs is to establish and watch two on- and offline relationships.From a clinical psychologists prospect, it may be plausible to emit detailally of Facebook Addiction Disorder (or more generally SNS Addiction Disorder) because addiction criteria, such as neglect of personal life, mental preoccupation, escapism, irritation modifying experiences, tolerance, and con cealing the addictive behavior, appear to be present in some people who use SNSs spendthriftly. Social Networking Sites are virtual communities where users can create individual public profiles, interact with real-life friends, and meet other people based on shared interests.SNSs are web-based services that countenance individuals to construct a public or semi-public profile within a move system, articulate a list of other users with whom they share a connection, and flock and wipe their list of connections and those do by others within the system. The focalize is placed on established networks, instead than on networking, which implies the aspect of new networks. SNSs vortex individuals the possibilities of networking and sharing media content, thitherfore embracing the main Web 2. attributes, against the material of their respective geomorphological characteristics. In price of SNS history, the first social networking site (SixDegrees) was launched in 1997, based on the idea that everybody is conjugated with everybody else via six degrees of separation, and initially referred to as the mild world problem. In 2004, the most successful rate of flow SNS, Facebook, was established as a unlikable virtual community for Harvard students. The site expand very cursorily and Facebook currently has more than 500 gazillion users, of whom fifty per centum log on to it every day.Furthermore, the general time spent on Facebook win over magnitude by 56% from 2007 to 2008. This statistic alone indicates the exponential appeal of SNSs and also suggests a reason for a rise in potential SNS addiction. Hypothetically, the appeal of SNSs may be traced back to its reflection of todays individualist culture. Unlike conventional virtual communities that emerged during the nineties based on shared interests of their members, social networking sites are swellhead sites. It is the individual preferably than the community that is the centralise of attention . Egocentrism has been conjugated to Internet addiction.Supposedly, the selfish construction of SNSs may press forward the participation in addictive behaviors and may then serve as a factor that attracts people to using it in a potentially overweening way. This hypothesis is in line with the charge per unit Framework for the aetiology of addiction specificity. attracter is one of the quadruplet key components that may predispose individuals to becoming addicted to specific behaviors or substances rather than specific others. Accordingly, due to their egocentric construction, SNSs allow individuals to present themselves optimisticly that may rhytidectomy their spirits (i. . , put up their jut out state) because it is experienced as pleasurable. This may lead to positive experiences that can potentially cultivate and facilitate learning experiences that toil the development of SNS addiction. A behavioral addiction such as SNS addiction may thus be seen from a biopsych osocial perspective . Just like substance-related addictions, SNS addiction incorporates the experience of the classic addiction symptoms, namely mood modification (i. e. , passage of arms in SNSs leads to a favourable change in unrestrained states), salience (i. e. behavioral, cognitive, and unrestrained preoccupation with the SNS usage), tolerance (i. e. , ever increasing use of SNSs over time), withdrawal symptoms (i. e. , experiencing tart physical and randy symptoms when SNS use is restricted or get aroundped), involution (i. e. , interpersonal and intrapsychic problems follow because of SNS usage), and relapse (i. e. , addicts apace revert back in their excessive SNS usage after an abstinence period). Moreover, scholars pack suggested that a crew of biological, psychological and social factors contributes to the etiology of addictions, that may also circumscribe true for SNS addiction.From this it follows that SNS addiction shares a common underlying etiological framework with other substance-related and behavioral addictions. However, due to the fact that the involution in SNSs is different in terms of the actual expression of (Internet) addiction (i. e. , pathologic use of social networking sites rather than other Internet applications), the phenomenon appears worthwhile of individual consideration, oddly when considering the potentially prejudicious effects of both substance-related and behavioral addictions on individuals who experience a variety of negative consequences because of their addiction.Article 2 Title Facebook Addiction Disorder The 6 Symptoms of F. A. D. Writer Amy Summers Source www. socialtimes. com Okay, I admit it. I am really addicted to Facebook, state teenage blogger Heidi Barry-Rodriquez in 2007. In 2009, teen Neeka Salmasi constituted the social networking giant as being like an addiction. This year, a casino site mentioned that Facebook provides the atmosphere where it is toughened to walk away in a dir ect comparability to gambling addiction. A quick web search and it becomes appallingly evident that we submit a problem.Text messaging is no longstanding the biggest teenage obsession, and long gone are the days where the biggest worries for sustains were celebrity crushes, massive yell bills from ridiculously long squall calls and coffee berry overloads. These teenage obsessions still exist, but in todays day and age, and in comparison to the Facebook craze, they calculate rather insignificant. Facebook is pickings over the world, and thats no exaggeration. Everyone from eager-to-fit-in teens to amend business people to intrigued grandparents has joined the phenomenon, and unsurprisingly legion(predicate) teenagers have also caught Facebook fever.And like with legion(predicate) of the latest attention-grabbing trends, some teenagers can go a critical overboard when take part in them. mayhap we join Facebook because everyone has an neb and, as teenagers, the take on t o fit in is just too great, or possibly theres just a special something that has helped the social networking site attract so many jillion people. Teenagers have a course to become obsessive with the in thing and Facebook, the trend of the decade, is no exception the head teacher is, have we enlarged in? And is there rightfully such thing as Facebook addiction?An American psychologist believes so. In fact, hes even introduced a new term to describe such an addiction. FAD, or Facebook Addiction Disorder, is a condition that is defined by hours spent on Facebook, so much time in fact that the healthy balance of the individuals life is affected. It has been said that approximately 350 million people are ache from the disorder that is detected through a unprejudiced set of six-criteria. People who are victims of the condition must have at least(prenominal) 2-3 of the following criteria during a 6-8 month time period. . Tolerance This term is used to describe the desperate beha vior of a Facebook addict. They spend an increasing amount of time on the site, coming to a stage where they need it in order to obtain satisfaction or on the other positive, it is having a bad effect on them as a person and their life. For the family members and friends who think they are dealing with an addict, a sign to sort out for are multiple Facebook windows open. threesome or more confirms that they are indeed suffering from this condition. 2.Withdrawal symptoms These become taken for granted(predicate) when one is restricted from using Facebook because they have to participate in normal everyday activities. vernacular signs are anxiety, tribulation and the need to jaw about Facebook and what competency have been post on their wall in their absence. 3. decrement of normal social/recreational activities psyche suffering from FAD will thin the time spent ancestral up with friends, playing athletic contest or any(prenominal) it is they used to be intimate doing , to simply spend time on Facebook. or else of catching up with a friend for coffee, they will send a Facebook message.A dinner date will be substituted with a messenger chat. In extreme cases, the person will even stop answering their parents phone calls, instead pressure that they use Facebook to encounter them. 4. Virtual dates It is obvious that things are extreme when real dates are replaced with virtual dates. Instead of going to the movies or out to dinner, they tell their partner to be online at a certain time. 5. humbug friends If 8 out of 10 people shown on their Facebook pageboy are complete strangers, it is undeniable they have a serious case of FAD. 6.Complete addiction When they meet new people, they say their name, followed by Ill talk to you on Facebook, or for those who are exceedingly bad, Ill see you in Facebook. Their pets have Facebook pages, and any notifications, wall posts, inboxes or friend requests that they receive give them a high, one which can be compared to that gambling addicts get from the pokies or line roulette table. So someone believes that addiction to the net is a real condition that needfully to be hardened just like any other addiction, with care and caution, but is an obsession with Facebook a real condition, or is FAD really just the latest fad?every way, Facebook obsessions are in spades present in todays society and whether it is a disorder or not, something needfully to be beginnere to repay it. Forget the fancy name and realize at the facts. numerous people, teenagers in particular, are expending too much time online. Peoples lives are being affected because of the hours spent looking at profiles and pictures. Facebook, very unspoilt in some ways, is having a detrimental effect on the everyday behaviors of people around the world. Having seen the affects of too much time online firsthand, I bop this to be true.Nobody can possibly protest when the facts speak for themselves and when an individual s online life becomes more valuable than their real one we know that there is a serious problem that needs to be addressed. But, what to do about it? How can we possibly rig a problem that has affected more than a third of the worlds population? That is a question I cant answer, but I do know that our parents can play an important role, well, that is if the addicted is still novel enough to be influenced by their parents. There are two kinds of parents in my area, both from different ends of the spectrum.On one side we have the Facebook haters the parents who dont have Facebook, dont understand Facebook and never require to understand Facebook. On the other side, we have the Facebook lovers, those who act more like their teenage children than their parents. Theyve befriended their kids online, participate in their online conversations, comment on their photos and send messages from the ambush room to the bedroom instead of just walking up the hallway and holding matters that should be unplowed private, well, private. Dont believe me? I completely understand.It in spades sounds strange. But the truth is I actually know people like this and well I can only close one thing that these parents, in an tone-beginning to be their teens friend rather than their parent, have also been move up in the Facebook craze and are now suffering from a similar sort of addiction. The apple really does never land furthest from the tree. REFERENCES 1. http//www. healthism. com/articles/facebook-addiction 2. http//deaddictioncentres. in/news/facebook-de-addiction-social-dysfunction/ 3. http//columbianewsservice. om/2011/02/the-facebook-relapse-trying-to-defriend-facebook/ 4. http//www. sakaaltimes. com/20120418/5754739842191348023. htm 5. http//socialtimes. com/facebook-addiction-disorder-the-6-symptoms-of-f-a-d_b60403 6. http//www. tomsguide. com/us/facebook-twitter-myspace,news-10312. hypertext mark-up language 7. http//www. netaddiction. com/index. php? option=com_blo g&view= 8. American psychiatric fellowship. Diagnostic and statistical Manual of affable DisordersText Revision, fourth part Edition American Psychiatric Association Washington, DC, USA, 2000 9. Lenhart, A. Social NetworkingFacebook Addiction DisorderArticle 1 Title Online Social Networking and Addiction Writer(s) Daria J. Kuss and Mark D. Griffiths Source www. mdpi. com/journal/ijerph Social Networking Sites (SNS) or in this case Facebook has been make serious addiction amongst individuals these days. This situation is no longer seen as an addiction but as a serious mental health issue. People these days spend majority of their time online by surfing Facebook in their virtual community. Psychologists describe this scenario as Facebook Addiction Disorder (FAD).This disorder is seen as an addiction because the individual who is said to be addicted to Facebook actually confronts similar criteria as other addictive activities. One is said to be having FAD due to the increase in time spent on Facebook. Besides that, FAD also increases individualist culture among its users. Moreover, egocentrism is another factor that contributes to this problem since it may induce addictive characteristics within the particular individual. This is mainly down to attraction which is the key factor to Facebook Addiction Disorder.Furthermore, like any other addiction, this issue has its symptoms as well. The author has addressed several symptoms that can be used to classify a person as a Facebook addict. Negligence of personal life, mental preoccupation, escapism, mood modifying experiences, tolerance, and concealing the addictive behavior are among the symptoms that can be seen in a Facebook addict. These symptoms are detrimental to ones mental health and well being because the person spends too much of time and energy in a virtual world.The effects of Facebook addiction or behavioral-related addiction and substance-related addiction is suggested to be the same as both have n egative consequences on the addict as time goes by. (259 words) Article 2 Title Facebook Addiction Disorder The 6 Symptoms of F. A. D. Writer Amy Summers Source www. socialtimes. com This article touches on the issue of Facebook Addiction Disorder, amongst teenagers and its effect on their surroundings. This occurrence is the latest obsession and a virtual object of craze amongst teenagers.This is mainly due to Facebook being the current big thing everywhere that even family members of the teenagers till educated professionals are going mad over the social networking site. These teenagers tend to go overboard when they participate in this phenomenon as it is a trend that is considered uber- cool and they become obsessive about it. Facebook Addiction Disorder (FAD) is a condition which is defined by hours spent on Facebook by a person. The time spent is said to be affecting the balance of an individuals life.There are six key symptoms mentioned by the author for this disorder. Fi rstly, a person with FAD will be spending so much time on the site which leads to a stage where they need it in order to obtain satisfaction. Besides, reducing normal social or recreational activities, they will also plan virtual dates as instead of meeting their partner somewhere, they will ask their partner to be online at a certain time. Other than that, the friends list of an addict will mostly have strangers rather than the ones they know in real life.Finally, the sign of complete addiction is when they introduce themselves to someone and promise to see them on Facebook. Parents who try to help their children out of this problem, turn out to be more addicted than their teenage kids. (257 words) REFLECTION Facebook. Something that started off within the walls of Harvard University in 2004 has been ruling the world for the past half decade. Newborn babies to near death grannies and even animals these days have a profile on this social networking site. This site has been so major that these days the first word that type into the World Wide Web is Facebook. 45 million users in just 8 years is a quite a record for any social networking site in the world. It has been so hyped up that to have a Facebook profile has become a basic need for certain group of people. A tool that is supposed to be used prudently has been used extensively by some individuals so much so that they have become addicted to it. In fact, psychologists in the United States of America came up with the term Facebook Addiction Disorder (FAD) back in 2009 as they predicted this syndrome will take the world faster than it took for the site to become global.Well, their prediction has become true. This condition is considered to a serious mental illness these days, even worse since its caused by addiction that could be compared to the likes of drugs and cigarettes. Who wouldve thought that a social networking site could spell so much trouble? Based on the two articles, the key point to this disorde r is due to the amount of time spent on this site. People tend to spend too much time on this site than actually do something about their lives.Those days when a working man gets his off day, he would be either having a good sleep or spend some quality time with his family, but nowadays the working man would rather spend his off day by enduring a sleepless night just to spend his time on Facebook. This sounds totally ridiculous. In the context of students, they would be glad to chat with their friends online, upload pictures and update their status but they would not bother to even flip through their textbooks or homeworks given by the teacher. This proves that Facebook is affecting people regardless of age limit.The amount of time spent on Facebook shows the level of addiction of the person to the site. Thus, the hypothesis would be that, the more the time taken to use Facebook, the higher the addiction level. A person who is possessed with this global demon is also very dangerous as it may make you oblivious to your surroundings. Facebook addicts do not care about whats happening around them. However, they would like a certain post about Earth Hour during the hour when all electric appliances should be shut down.This shows how a person can be an environmentalist in the virtual world, but a person with no social awareness in reality. This means that Facebook addicts have another problem, Multiple Personality Disorder because they have two avatars, each in two different worlds, Facebook and reality. This disorder also causes people to be very aggressive. They would be very sad if a friend did not respond to their request to be friends on Facebook. Some of them would even compete with each other to increase their list of friends.This situation could not be considered as something that tickles our funny bones, but it is something that should be thought rationally and seriously since the issue is getting worse day to day. What is the point of adding a thousand pe ople into your profile and chat with them happily online, when you turn your back towards them in reality? Besides that, the majority of group that is most affected by this phenomenon are teenagers. Being born in this era of online madness is not a sin, but they are being led into fake world that is given a fancy name of globalizationThey think that being on Facebook is the coolest thing to do as a teenager. What a misconception? Students these days do not prefer face to face interaction where as they prefer to virtual communication. Do not be surprised if in the future two people, who wont even smile at each other, could be best friends on Facebook. If the number of Facebook addicts increase continuously, sooner or later we would be witnessing the growth of an unhealthy generation of youth with no social skills because all this while they never knew how to make friends, socialize or even take part in recreational activities.The major factor to this crisis is because their conceptua lization of social life is Facebook. This so called social networking site also happens to social crime networking site lately. On 18th April 2012, in Pune, India, a 16 year old girl was kidnapped by her Facebook friend whom she had known through the website. After kidnapping her, the accused initially demanded a ransom of Rs 100,000 from her mother. But later fearing police action, he got the girl admitted to a private hospital telling the hospital authorities that he found her wandering on the road after she was thrown out of a van by some people.What could have happened to the girl if the kidnapper was a psychopath? The consequence would have been unfathomable. This is what happens to certain Facebook addicts who reveal too much of details online. What is the worth of an individual who is deemed as a very private person in reality, where as in the virtual world they reveal everything to everyone? In the working world, those days workers were scolded by their employers for talking during their work time nowadays they are sacked for using Facebook at work.In certain scenarios, the employees are sacked because they update their Facebook status at work, capture pictures while working and also to have the guts to upload it at work. Where is the discipline of the working world going? Why are they being so irresponsible? In a book titled Facebook Addiction, the author who is an addict himself says that once when he was trying to pack up his laptop, a client called and asked him to work on a website. The moment he opened the internet browser, the first thing he did was, type in www. acebook. com and logged in, he promised to himself to spend only five minutes, he couldnt resist himself and spent eight hours on the website. On top of that, in terms of relationships, Facebook addicts do not have a proper life there either there have been reported cases in America, of young married couples who file for divorce. In a survey conducted by the American Academy of Matrimon ial Lawyers (AAML), researchers found that Facebook was mentioned in 1 out of every 5 divorces in the United States.Some of the cases were due to lack communication between couples because one of the partners was always busy updating his Facebook status rather than actually communicating with his wife. Before marriage, messaging through the site could be fun or romantic, however post marital relationship requires commitment and real communication. These cases have proved that Facebook Addiction Disorder has been the major cause of many serious problems from school to the confinements of our home. If this scenario continues, this disorder could get into the line along serious mental illnesses.We as educators will be facing great dilemmas as the students would be more passive socially in reality, to overcome it we have to teach them in a condition where there is no active interaction between teacher and a student. However, if we stand with our hands folded, one day we might see the po rtrait of our society in the obituary column in the newspapers. APPENDIX Article 1 Title Online Social Networking and Addiction Writer(s) Daria J. Kuss and Mark D. Griffiths Source www. mdpi. com/journal/ijerph Im an addict.I just get lost in Facebook replies a young mother when asked why she does not see herself able to help her daughter with her homework. Instead of supporting her child, she spends her time chatting and browsing the social networking site . This case, while extreme, is suggestive of a potential new mental health problem that emerges as Internet social networks proliferate. Newspaper stories have also reported similar cases, suggesting that the popular press was early to discern the potentially addictive qualities of social networking sites.Such media coverage has alleged that women are at greater risk than men for developing addictions to SNSs . The mass appeal of social networks on the Internet could potentially be a cause for concern, particularly when attend ing to the gradually increasing amounts of time people spend online . On the Internet, people engage in a variety of activities some of which may be potentially to be addictive. Rather than becoming addicted to the medium per se, some users may develop an addiction to specific activities they carry out online.Specifically, Young argues that there are five different types of internet addiction, namely computer addiction (i. e. , computer game addiction), information overload (i. e. , web surfing addiction), net compulsions (i. e. , online gambling or online shopping addiction), cybersexual addiction (i. e. , online pornography or online sex addiction), and cyber-relationship addiction (i. e. , an addiction to online relationships). SNS addiction appears to fall in the last category since the purpose and main motivation to use SNSs is to establish and maintain both on- and offline relationships.From a clinical psychologists perspective, it may be plausible to speak specifically of Fac ebook Addiction Disorder (or more generally SNS Addiction Disorder) because addiction criteria, such as neglect of personal life, mental preoccupation, escapism, mood modifying experiences, tolerance, and concealing the addictive behavior, appear to be present in some people who use SNSs excessively. Social Networking Sites are virtual communities where users can create individual public profiles, interact with real-life friends, and meet other people based on shared interests.SNSs are web-based services that allow individuals to construct a public or semi-public profile within a bounded system, articulate a list of other users with whom they share a connection, and view and traverse their list of connections and those made by others within the system. The focus is placed on established networks, rather than on networking, which implies the construction of new networks. SNSs offer individuals the possibilities of networking and sharing media content, therefrom embracing the main We b 2. attributes, against the framework of their respective structural characteristics. In terms of SNS history, the first social networking site (SixDegrees) was launched in 1997, based on the idea that everybody is linked with everybody else via six degrees of separation, and initially referred to as the small world problem. In 2004, the most successful current SNS, Facebook, was established as a closed virtual community for Harvard students. The site expanded very quickly and Facebook currently has more than 500 million users, of whom fifty percent log on to it every day.Furthermore, the overall time spent on Facebook increased by 56% from 2007 to 2008. This statistic alone indicates the exponential appeal of SNSs and also suggests a reason for a rise in potential SNS addiction. Hypothetically, the appeal of SNSs may be traced back to its reflection of todays individualist culture. Unlike traditional virtual communities that emerged during the 1990s based on shared interests of th eir members, social networking sites are egocentric sites. It is the individual rather than the community that is the focus of attention. Egocentrism has been linked to Internet addiction.Supposedly, the egocentric construction of SNSs may facilitate the engagement in addictive behaviors and may thus serve as a factor that attracts people to using it in a potentially excessive way. This hypothesis is in line with the PACE Framework for the etiology of addiction specificity. Attraction is one of the four key components that may predispose individuals to becoming addicted to specific behaviors or substances rather than specific others. Accordingly, due to their egocentric construction, SNSs allow individuals to present themselves positively that may raise their spirits (i. . , enhance their mood state) because it is experienced as pleasurable. This may lead to positive experiences that can potentially cultivate and facilitate learning experiences that drive the development of SNS addi ction. A behavioral addiction such as SNS addiction may thus be seen from a biopsychosocial perspective . Just like substance-related addictions, SNS addiction incorporates the experience of the classic addiction symptoms, namely mood modification (i. e. , engagement in SNSs leads to a favourable change in emotional states), salience (i. e. behavioral, cognitive, and emotional preoccupation with the SNS usage), tolerance (i. e. , ever increasing use of SNSs over time), withdrawal symptoms (i. e. , experiencing unpleasant physical and emotional symptoms when SNS use is restricted or stopped), conflict (i. e. , interpersonal and intrapsychic problems ensue because of SNS usage), and relapse (i. e. , addicts quickly revert back in their excessive SNS usage after an abstinence period). Moreover, scholars have suggested that a combination of biological, psychological and social factors contributes to the etiology of addictions, that may also hold true for SNS addiction.From this it follo ws that SNS addiction shares a common underlying etiological framework with other substance-related and behavioral addictions. However, due to the fact that the engagement in SNSs is different in terms of the actual expression of (Internet) addiction (i. e. , pathological use of social networking sites rather than other Internet applications), the phenomenon appears worthy of individual consideration, particularly when considering the potentially detrimental effects of both substance-related and behavioral addictions on individuals who experience a variety of negative consequences because of their addiction.Article 2 Title Facebook Addiction Disorder The 6 Symptoms of F. A. D. Writer Amy Summers Source www. socialtimes. com Okay, I admit it. I am truly addicted to Facebook, said teenage blogger Heidi Barry-Rodriquez in 2007. In 2009, teen Neeka Salmasi described the social networking giant as being like an addiction. This year, a casino site mentioned that Facebook provides the atmosphere where it is tough to walk away in a direct comparison to gambling addiction. A quick web search and it becomes appallingly evident that we have a problem.Text messaging is no longer the biggest teenage obsession, and long gone are the days where the biggest worries for parents were celebrity crushes, massive phone bills from ridiculously long phone calls and chocolate overloads. These teenage obsessions still exist, but in todays day and age, and in comparison to the Facebook craze, they seem rather insignificant. Facebook is taking over the world, and thats no exaggeration. Everyone from eager-to-fit-in teens to educated business people to intrigued grandparents has joined the phenomenon, and unsurprisingly many teenagers have also caught Facebook fever.And like with many of the latest attention-grabbing trends, some teenagers can go a little overboard when participating in them. Perhaps we join Facebook because everyone has an account and, as teenagers, the need to fit in is just too great, or perhaps theres just a special something that has helped the social networking site attract so many million people. Teenagers have a tendency to become obsessive with the in thing and Facebook, the trend of the decade, is no exception the question is, have we overdone in? And is there really such thing as Facebook addiction?An American psychologist believes so. In fact, hes even introduced a new term to describe such an addiction. FAD, or Facebook Addiction Disorder, is a condition that is defined by hours spent on Facebook, so much time in fact that the healthy balance of the individuals life is affected. It has been said that approximately 350 million people are suffering from the disorder that is detected through a simple set of six-criteria. People who are victims of the condition must have at least 2-3 of the following criteria during a 6-8 month time period. . Tolerance This term is used to describe the desperate behavior of a Facebook addict. They spen d an increasing amount of time on the site, coming to a stage where they need it in order to obtain satisfaction or on the other extreme, it is having a detrimental effect on them as a person and their life. For the family members and friends who think they are dealing with an addict, a sign to look out for are multiple Facebook windows open. Three or more confirms that they are indeed suffering from this condition. 2.Withdrawal symptoms These become obvious when one is restricted from using Facebook because they have to participate in normal everyday activities. Common signs are anxiety, distress and the need to talk about Facebook and what might have been posted on their wall in their absence. 3. Reduction of normal social/recreational activities Someone suffering from FAD will reduce the time spent catching up with friends, playing sport or whatever it is they used to enjoy doing, to simply spend time on Facebook. Instead of catching up with a friend for coffee, they will send a Facebook message.A dinner date will be substituted with a messenger chat. In extreme cases, the person will even stop answering their parents phone calls, instead insisting that they use Facebook to contact them. 4. Virtual dates It is obvious that things are extreme when real dates are replaced with virtual dates. Instead of going to the movies or out to dinner, they tell their partner to be online at a certain time. 5. Fake friends If 8 out of 10 people shown on their Facebook page are complete strangers, it is undeniable they have a serious case of FAD. 6.Complete addiction When they meet new people, they say their name, followed by Ill talk to you on Facebook, or for those who are extremely bad, Ill see you in Facebook. Their pets have Facebook pages, and any notifications, wall posts, inboxes or friend requests that they receive give them a high, one which can be compared to that gambling addicts get from the pokies or roulette table. So someone believes that addiction to the n et is a real condition that needs to be treated just like any other addiction, with care and caution, but is an obsession with Facebook a real condition, or is FAD really just the latest fad?Either way, Facebook obsessions are definitely present in todays society and whether it is a disorder or not, something needs to be done to fix it. Forget the fancy name and look at the facts. Many people, teenagers in particular, are spending too much time online. Peoples lives are being affected because of the hours spent looking at profiles and pictures. Facebook, very beneficial in some ways, is having a detrimental effect on the everyday behaviors of people around the world. Having seen the affects of too much time online firsthand, I know this to be true.Nobody can possibly disagree when the facts speak for themselves and when an individuals online life becomes more important than their real one we know that there is a serious problem that needs to be addressed. But, what to do about it? H ow can we possibly fix a problem that has affected more than a third of the worlds population? That is a question I cant answer, but I do know that our parents can play an important role, well, that is if the addicted is still young enough to be influenced by their parents. There are two kinds of parents in my area, both from different ends of the spectrum.On one side we have the Facebook haters the parents who dont have Facebook, dont understand Facebook and never want to understand Facebook. On the other side, we have the Facebook lovers, those who act more like their teenage children than their parents. Theyve befriended their kids online, participate in their online conversations, comment on their photos and send messages from the lounge room to the bedroom instead of just walking up the hallway and keeping matters that should be kept private, well, private. Dont believe me? I completely understand.It definitely sounds strange. But the truth is I actually know people like this a nd well I can only conclude one thing that these parents, in an attempt to be their teens friend rather than their parent, have also been swept up in the Facebook craze and are now suffering from a similar sort of addiction. The apple really does never land far from the tree. REFERENCES 1. http//www. healthism. com/articles/facebook-addiction 2. http//deaddictioncentres. in/news/facebook-de-addiction-social-dysfunction/ 3. http//columbianewsservice. om/2011/02/the-facebook-relapse-trying-to-defriend-facebook/ 4. http//www. sakaaltimes. com/20120418/5754739842191348023. htm 5. http//socialtimes. com/facebook-addiction-disorder-the-6-symptoms-of-f-a-d_b60403 6. http//www. tomsguide. com/us/facebook-twitter-myspace,news-10312. html 7. http//www. netaddiction. com/index. php? option=com_blog&view= 8. American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental DisordersText Revision, Fourth Edition American Psychiatric Association Washington, DC, USA, 2000 9. Lenhart, A . Social Networking