Saturday, August 31, 2019

Mars Attacks! Review Essay

Review of Mars Attacks! Mars Attacks! is Tim Burton’s clever thought at a martian invasion on the United States of America. After their landing, they easily took advantage of the governments trust, understanding, and compassion. Human beings, especially Americans, show just how ignorant and unpredictable they can be. However, their stupidity paves the way to their survival with a little bit of a population remaining. Source Materials: The constant struggle between war and politics makes this movie a classic bumbling mess of emgo fighting over what they consider to be right. The 1950’s science fiction focuses on how these peoples egos were created in a time of growing personalities. Genre: Parody Science Fiction portrays humility at the expense of American’s under the superior mind of the martians. Ultimately giving the upper hand to the human race for a reason that could not even be fathomed by mankind. Star Personas: The film is shown through the eyes of powerful figures from Nevada to Washington D. C. Everyone has an opinion and the best idea with how to deal with the martian invasion. A poor kid from that gets no attention within his society turns out to be the hero of the film. Technology/CGI: Used strongly throughout the entire movie, because anything that had to do with the martians was created by CGI. It was used to give a feel of abstract science fiction and not just a battle for superior intelligence. Plot: Told from a variety of different viewpoints and the advantages and drawbacks that went along with them. Everything comes together in the end to make it a bittersweet happy ending for all of those still left alive.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Issues with Juveniles

Juveniles can break the law just like adults can. The difference is in the way they are treated after the fact, from the police interaction to the type of punishment they will ultimately receive. In most cases getting to the child before criminal behavior begins may stop a life of crime before it begins. In this paper I will be going over the importance of child development, crime control, interrogation and Miranda warnings, crime prevention, deterrence, and punishment. Children that grow up in homes where the parents are not around or do not care about them are more likely to become caught up in a life of crime than the kids that have a loving family. Children that have parents that are criminals themselves will probably become criminals as well. â€Å"According to one researcher, 63 percent of boys with convicted fathers themselves had criminal convictions, compared to 30 percent among those who did not have convicted fathers†. (Worrall, 2008, p. 259) If a child does not have a positive role model to follow, they will follow the negative one. This is also true if the father is not in the home or part of their lives or if their parents are in to drugs. Lack of parental supervision, improper abuse, rejection, neglect, conflict between the parents and many other problems can also lead to behavioral issues in children. Domestic violence in the home, single family households and families with large amounts of people are also more likely to produce children that have behavioral issues as they develop. Lack of attention or negative attention is hard on a child and it has been proven to lead them to a life of delinquency. There are many steps that families can take to work on crime control before it becomes a problem. The first is parent training and education. â€Å"Just as there are good drivers and bad drivers, there are good parents and bad parents. † (Worrall, 2008, p. 261) Parenting does not come overnight. It takes time and practice and information. Sometimes the harm to children is done accidentally and knowing this, the government has started programs such as the Strengthening Families Program. The SFP was founded in 1983 and is for parents who are also drug abusers and teaches them appropriate parenting skills. Parenting classes can be done in and out of the home and appear in several forms. One such form is during pregnancy when a nurse practitioner comes to the home and gives the expectant mother information on her pregnancy and on things to expect when the child is born. Head Start programs are provided to poor African-American families so that their children are given extra help with educational needs. Research has shown that these and other programs have been successful in lowering the rate of delinquency in juveniles. The chance of child abuse is lower in families that have gone through treatment than those who have not. Mothers are bettering their lives through the programs as well so the rate of arrest is lower in the mothers and their children than those left untreated. Once a juvenile has police contact, the interaction is very different than it would be if it were an adult. There are several rights that a juvenile has to protect them. The first right is the Fourth Amendment. The Fourth Amendment to the U. S. Constitution states: â€Å"The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated, and no Warrants shall issue, but upon probable cause, supported by Oath or affirmation, and particularly describing the place to be searched, and the persons or things to be seized. (Bartollas & Miller, 2008) Juveniles have the same rights to privacy that adults do. If the police want to search a juvenile or their home or vehicle they must provide a search warrant unless the juvenile waived their rights, consented to the search, or got caught in the criminal act they were committing. Interrogation of a juvenile, confessions, and Miranda Warnings go hand in hand. Juveniles, as well as adults, are to be read their Miranda rights at the time of arrest. These Miranda Warnings give the juvenile six rights including: the right to remain silent, the right to an attorney, an attorney provided if they are unable to afford one, whatever the juvenile says to the police is fair game to be used later in court, if a juvenile starts talking they may stop at any time, and whatever the juvenile says to persons other than the juvenile officer or court personnel may be used against the juvenile if they are tried as an adult. The juvenile officer is responsible for providing the juvenile with these rights and must protect the interest of the youth. â€Å"A juvenile officer’s role in the interrogation process is the protection of the juvenile’s rights by initial explanation and subsequently by stopping the interrogation if it is so requested by the juvenile. Participation by the juvenile officer in the interrogation of a juvenile renders the confession and evidence discovered as a result thereof inadmissible [sic] in a subsequent adult prosecution. (McCarver, 2006) All questioning of the juvenile must be done by law enforcement. â€Å"The admissibility of a juvenile’s statement taken in the presence of the juvenile officer is determined from the totality of the circumstances on a case-by-case basis. The court will evaluate the juvenile’s age, experience, education, back ground, intelligence and whether the juvenile has the capacity to understand the warnings given to him, the nature of his Fifth Amendment rights and the consequences of waiving those rights. (McCarver, 2006) If a juvenile is tried as an adult they must have been made aware before his confession that it is possible that he may be tried as an adult and anything that any statements he makes can be used against him. Any officer that questions a juvenile must specifically state that he or she may be certified to be tried as an adult. â€Å"In the absence of an attorney, the confession of a juvenile which results from a custodial interrogation may not be used against the juvenile unless oth the juvenile and his parent, guardian or adult friend were informed of the juvenile’s rights to an attorney and to remain silent, and the juvenile must be given an opportunity to consult with his parents, guardian, adult friend or attorney as to whether he wishes to waive those rights. † (McCarver, 2006) Deterrence or prevention is very important in keeping juveniles out of trouble. In my opinion, one of the most effective preventative measures for preventing juvenile crime is community-based programs. These programs, such as, Big Brothers Big Sisters of America, Bully Prevention Program, and Functional Family Therapy allow youths to be part of the community in a positive way. â€Å"An eighteen-month evaluation found that compared with a control group waiting for a match, youths in the mentoring program were 46 percent less likely to start using drugs, 27 percent less likely to start drinking, and 32 percent less likely to hit or assault someone. † (Bartollas & Miller, 2008) In single parent homes where the parent works it is hard to keep tabs on your child at all times. Getting them into a program will keep the youths occupied and out of trouble in a perfect world. With the statistics listed community-based programs are effective and do a good job of reducing juvenile crime. There are many, many programs like these I listed. The problems that arise are a lack of funding and volunteers. It is important for the communities to sponsor and volunteer for these programs or they really cannot complain about children running the streets, learning negative behaviors, and committing crimes. Another effective preventative measure is programs like the Chicago Area Projects. The projects have three basic goals: Frist, they provide a forum for local residents to become acquainted with new scientific perspectives on child rearing, child welfare, and juvenile delinquency. † (Bartollas & Miller, 2008) Second, they open up lines of communication between the community and the institutional representatives of the larger community, the ones that help influence the local youth. Third, they allow local adults to come in to contact with local youths, â€Å"especially those having difficulties with the law†. (Bartollas & Miller, 2008) This and programs like this one have the local communities take responsibility or the youths before they are sent to the juvenile justice system. The adults in the community can speak on behalf of youths in court and they organize programs to keep the youth out of trouble. If a child is distracted in a positive way, they are less likely to act out in a negative way. When punishment is needed, probation is usually the answer. Probation is the number one sentence in the juvenile court. â€Å"About 400,000 youths are placed on formal probation each year, which amounts to more than 60 percent of all juvenile dispositions. † (Bartollas & Miller, 2008) This number has increased greatly since 1993. Probation is a judicial disposition under which youthful offenders are subject to certain conditions imposed by the juvenile c ourt and are permitted to remain in the community under the supervision of a probation officer. † (Bartollas & Miller, 2008) Juvenile probation focuses on programs for the offending youth in order to keep them out of jail. A probation officer is assigned and will work with the juvenile to help meet the conditions of their probation. Some think that the purpose of juvenile probation is to give the child a second chance. This is not necessarily correct. The main focus of juvenile probation is provide programs and services so that the youth will learn to stay out of trouble with the law in the future. There are several reasons why probation is the most desirable alternative to jail time. Juveniles are able to remain free of incarceration but society has protection from further law breaking. â€Å"It promotes the rehabilitation of offenders because they can maintain normal community contacts by living at home, attending school, and participating in community activities. † (Bartollas & Miller, 2008) It also costs less and allows the juvenile to avoid the negative impact of confinement. While treated differently than adults in most cases, juveniles still break the law and encounter the justice system. Juveniles are afforded the same rights as adults but are handled in a way that usually allows them to have a second chance and become a productive member of society. While stopping a life of crime before it begins is the more favorable approach, it is not always a possibility. In this paper I have discussed child development, crime control, interrogation and Miranda warnings, crime prevention, deterrence, and punishment.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Most effective way to identify risks Essay

Questions 1. What is the most effective way to identify risks like those you noted in the tables? Through the use of Scenario-based risk analysis utilizing different risk factors that could arise 2. What are some important factors when weighing the depth of a formal risk analysis? How would you balance the interruption needed for depth and the need to continue ongoing organizational activity? An in-depth formal risk evaluation should be conducted which lines up with the goals and objectives of the company. There should be a clear outline of the protocols and procedures that will be utilized to attain these goals. 3. What should an organization’s risk management specialist do with the information once a potential risk has been identified? What information would be needed for senior management to know the danger of each risk and the proper way to handle the risk? Risk management specialist’s research and recommend tactics to minimize asset liability, including investigating potential asset loss incidents and enacting policies that comply with safety regulations and industry guidelines. They plan and implement programs for risk management and loss prevention. Risk management specialists generally manage other risk analysts and report to upper management in their organization. 4. How would this specialist properly prioritize these risks to make sure the most important ones were mitigated first? The mitigation of risk should be prioritize based upon their potential effects it could cause the organization. As such, all the avenues for risk should be looked into; this includes the company’s financial impact, operational consequences and legal ramifications. 5. Who is responsible for ensuring that an identified risk is addressed by the organization? What role does the analyst play? What role does senior management play? What roles do the analyst and senior management each play in addressing organizational risks? The system analyst or manager is responsible for identifying risks and making sure that they are minimized. The senior administration provides fiscal and administrative resources and helps to formalize policies to reduce risk. The senior administration and specialists collectively develop minimization methods and plans.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

The War on Terror Has Contributed To Abuse of Human Rights Essay

The War on Terror Has Contributed To Abuse of Human Rights - Essay Example It is an intriguing topic, in addition to a debatable position whether indeed; the world is safer almost a decade after the United States and its allies declared war on terror (Merritt 2012). This paper discusses the problems that underlie the tainted image that the United States and her western allies have attained in the fight against terror. Governments around the world get accused of committing questionable atrocities to otherwise non terror squads within different countries. Countries like Egypt, Russia and Uzbekistan, got singled out in Human Rights watch groups as the worst violators of human rights to political opponents in a scheme to rid themselves of terror. The BBC report got based on a report by a Human Rights Watch Group in the United States. The United States believed that their efforts to fight terror groups became silent on human rights abuses. A complete disregard to the positives that war on terror has realized would sound myopic. The 9/11 attack in the U. S. soil was unethical and deserves all means possible to avert any other acts of such nature. Unfortunately, up to this far war on terror has not brought any more peace than before. My position regarding this topic is that this is a fascinating topic. The fact is that we are no safer than we were 10 years ago. The result of fighting against terrorism has led to abuse of human rights. This would not have been the case if America and its allies had stayed out of another war. As discussed earlier on the other assignment; this topic has to key different claims (Duffy 2008). The first claim is that the world is far much safer a decade after the United States and its allies declared war on terror. The second claim is that the war between United States and its allies led to denial of human rights especially for the people in the Middle East. According to Associate Press, Central Intelligence Agency final report: No WMD got found in Iraq. Retrieved on May 28, 2012 from, internationalsecuritynews-mideast_n_africa/t/cias-final-report-no-wmd-found-iraq/#.T8MGrVIsE7A, the national and international security has been a matter of concern to different governments across the world. Since the September 11 terror attack on the United States, the United States government and its allies have launched a war for more than a decade; however, the gains made through the wars have come with a price. There have been reports by Human Rights group; that the United States and its western friends in the war against terror have committed a lot of human rights abuses. As said before, the first claim is a fallacy by itself. Hence, gets ruled out since it is invalid and has no any clear evidence to support it. Having put this position and the claimed evidence through the Scientific Method and Proving a theory steps; there are steps to which the claim and the evidence does not measure to the examination. This claim is just an assumption hence it is not applicable. This claim is, therefore, invalid. Basing on the two claims over this issue, it is more evident that the second claim is valid. The fact that the war between United States and its associates led to denial of human rights especially for the people in and around Middle East is supremely true. Grounding on the evidence from the survey it is a claim that is free from both formal and

World war 1 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

World war 1 - Essay Example he abrupt cause of the war was entrenched in the conclusions reached by statesmen and generals during the July Crisis of 1914, which saw the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria and his wife by an irredentist Serb (Ferguson 1-11). The conflict came after a long and complicated series of diplomatic collision between the Great Powers including France, British Empire, Italy, Austria-Hungarian Empire, Germany and Russia over colonial and European concerns in the decade before 1914 that had precipitated a high tension. Consequently, these diplomatic collisions can be traced to amendments in the balance of power in Europe since 1867. The more abrupt cause for the war was tensions over territory in the Balkans. Russia and Serbia competed with Austria-Hungary for territory and power in the region and they pulled the rest of the Great Powers into the collisions through their various coalitions and treaties. In November 1912 Russia, mortified by its incapacity to support Serbia during the Bosnia crisis of 1908, announced a major reconstruction of its military (Harrison 30-45). The start of World War I has exceedingly been attributed to imperialism. Countries such as France and British Empire amassed great wealth in the late 19th century through direct control over foreign trade in foreign resources, territories, markets and people. Further empires, Austria-Hungary, Russia, Italy and Germany held high hopes of controlling foreign trade too. Their humiliated dreams and United Kingdom guidelines of strategic omission precipitated tensions. Furthermore, the limits to natural resources in many European nations began to gradually change trade balance, and made national industries hunt for new territories rich in natural resources. Profit-making interests contributed considerably to Anglo-German competition during the scuttle for tropical Africa. This was the landscape of the sharpest disagreement between particular German and British money-making interests.

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Why has the World Trade Organisation failed to establish a free trade Coursework

Why has the World Trade Organisation failed to establish a free trade regime - Coursework Example However, in practice, failures in the context of the WTO process have not been avoided – signs of this trend have been revealed during the Round of Tokyo where the issue of the establishment of WTO appeared for first time. In the above Round the lack of agreement on the Agenda’s major issues (Lowenfeld et al., 2003, p.58) indicated the severe procedural problems that would follow. The introduction of WTO has been related to the achievement of specific targets. The increase of cooperation among the member states in regard to the international trade has been the main goal of the particular organization. Another similar aim has been the improvement of the terms of trade in the context of the international community – a fact that could also benefit the conditions of trade within national markets. In practice, WTO has failed to meet the expectations of its creators. A series of facts can be used for explaining the specific phenomenon. At a first level, the development of the procedure established by WTO requires the use of accurate and updated data. Otherwise, the fairness of the procedure can be doubted – leading to severe delays in regard to the resolution of the dispute involved (World Trade Organization, 2005, p.2106). The lack of accurate data necessary in the discussion of disputes before the WTO’s relevant bodies (the panel or the Appel late Body) is a common problem. The above problem has led to the decrease of the organization’s credibility as a key negotiator in the resolution of disputes on international trade. In accordance with Deutsch et al. (2001) one of the most important problems of WTO as an institution of the international community is its weakness to promote effective solutions in regard to key international trade problems. The weakness of this institution – compared to other international organizations – is the reason for the failure of WTO to proceed to the analytical

Monday, August 26, 2019

Did Rousseau correctly argue that previous philosophers had not gone Essay

Did Rousseau correctly argue that previous philosophers had not gone back far enough in search of the state of nature - Essay Example Thus, although the term ‘State of Nature’ refers to a logical construction, it does not necessarily refer to a historical period, although in the early period of human existence when organised societies with laws did not exist, individuals were free to do what they wanted based on their natural desires, psychological makeup, interests and situations, etc. It is possible to argue that humans living in isolation, far removed from the present-day civilisation without any contact with organised societies will illustrate human behaviour in a state of nature without any fabricated laws to impinge on their behaviour. In a state of nature, there were no kings and no government to impose their will on humans. The State of Nature in Rousseau’s Philosophy Rousseau employs the device of state of nature to depict the conditions under which man existed in natural conditions to argue that in the pure state of nature man’s existence would be peaceful and contented. ... Thus, Rousseau presents a belief in the natural goodness of man who had abhorrence for giving consent to others to govern, or for entering society. Rousseau places an emphasis on historical context when thinking about the state of nature rather than considering this notion in terms of a hypothetical context. For Rousseau, the state of nature is a pre-political condition that existed prior to man acceded to the social contract to lose his natural freedom while gaining civil freedom, property and the relative protection of the group. 6 Rousseau suggests that in the state of nature, people did not know each other enough to interfere with each other, but they did present normal moral values, which the social contract for living in a society tarnishes. However, because Rousseau takes a historical rather than a hypothetical view of the state of nature concept, it makes sense to ask whether at any time in history, man has been able to demonstrate the capacity for not succumbing to immoral b ehaviour in relation to others. Certainly, religious doctrine contained in the old testament of the Bible does not support the views presented by Rousseau about man in the state of nature because ever since the time of Genesis, man has demonstrated moral flaws even in dealings within the same family. Thus, it will appear that Rousseau’s arguments concerning the state of nature present flaws, and it makes sense to examine his views in comparison to other noted political theory philosophers, especially those that lived before him. Rousseau’s concept of an early state of nature presents men and women as solitary animals that come together only to reproduce. 7 8 Although, a mother in the

Sunday, August 25, 2019

The Anthropology of Latin America and the Caribbean weekly Reflection Assignment

The Anthropology of Latin America and the Caribbean weekly Reflection - Assignment Example Mestizos in the Latin society gain their identity from their hard work and economic success while Mestizaje refers to those that are indigenous. Metrizos build racial discrimination to the African-origin people regardless of them gaining the originality from industrialization. Indigenous and black movements seek to minimize the politics of difference by sensitizing minimum native identification and equitable distribution of resources. (Sanabria Harry, 2007) On gender and sexuality, the Latin American women for a long time have been considered inferior in allocation of labor activities and distribution of resources for economic growth. High rates of illiteracy gaps between the male and female gender has been associated with the minimum number of females who are educated. Since colonialism, the Latin American gender parity has reduced and enabled more women get education and training. Gender in the Latin society is faced with a new identity that is considered a third sex in the society. This is neither man nor woman, transgender. The anatomic difference between proto-men and proto-women are not systematically cognized. (Sanabria Harry, 2007)To them sexual identity is less important in defining a person’s interpersonal bonds and self identity or recognition in the society. Heterosexuality and homosexuality is disregarded and the society does not teach any sexual disparity to the younger generation. Feminism has promoted empowerment of women in the general aspects to men. Women through their movements have been able to maintain their homesteads as single mothers who have been oppressed by masculine domination and left to fend for themselves. Behavioral experiences, drugs and gangs in the Latin American society degrade the fatherhood ability of the male gender leaving women to be the responsible homestead keepers. (Sanabria Harry, 2007)Gender violence is an issue that will require

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Pharrell Williams and Robin Thicke Versus Marvin Gayes Case Essay - 1

Pharrell Williams and Robin Thicke Versus Marvin Gayes Case - Essay Example Marvin’s children said that the money they demanded was what they believed their father would have been given had he signed his song with the label. Robin and Williams argued that the family only had a right to the sheet music and not the sound. In fact, earlier they had sued Marvin’s estates in order to stop them from going ahead with their copyright infringement case. However, they both did not claim to have written this song together but independently. They held on to their innocence and said they were not through with the case yet. An additional $8000 is also to be added to the amount given to Marvin Gaye’s estate. This case has brought down Williams reputation as a songwriter as he was ordered to pay $1.6 million while Robin $1.7 million (Grow). Copyright infringement occurs when anybody breaches the restricted rights of another person’s material whether words, sound or pictures. This rule is seen as theft as the violator uses a copyrighted material without the owner’s authorization (Campbell, Cotter & Center for International Legal Studies, 2). Even though the two songs do not have the same sound, the words in the two songs are similar and this constitutes a breach. The two musicians have violated Marvin Gaye’s song even though they argue that the sheet music is what Gaye copyrighted.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Research & Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Research & Development - Essay Example To cope with the changing situations, the essence of research and development is increasingly felt. Constant research and development in almost every aspect of life is being continuously conducted to generate better value to its related factors. Like other sectors of industry (e.g. technology, communication, marketing and finance, etc), labor sector is also under the constant purview of research and development. The most important feature which makes labor industry significantly different from that of other functions is the psychological touch involved in it along with the technical expertise. The laborers of any industry are human beings in first place and so they have aspirations, goals, objectives and needs. Again these psychological factors differ from laborers to laborers depending upon their culture, backgrounds, perceptions and prejudices and other factors. In order to make the labor industry efficient in its functions and performance all the above factors are to be considered and continuous research and development should be initiated. So, it can be conferred that the research and development in the labor industry is critical and important, sometimes even more than other organizational functions. Research and development is initiated generally to upgrade any working system from its present condition or performance. Popularly known as R & D, research and development can be defined as, "creative work undertaken on a systematic basis in order to increase the stock of knowledge, including knowledge of man, culture and society, and the use of this stock of knowledge to devise new applications" (OECD. 2008). Research and development generally can be subdivided into three sub parts namely basic research, applied research and experimental research. Basic research is a type of research activity where investigational and theoretical initiatives are undertaken basically to acquire knowledge base of the underlying facts and figures. This type of research activity is done generally as part of academic interests as there are not much application or usage of the results of basic research. Applied research is built upon the basic research and is also done to acquire new knowledge domains but with more specified and certain objectives. It deals with the core of the subject. In comparison to the first two types of research, the third component i.e. the experimental research deals with more application. It develops the research output from the basic as well as applied research and is concerned with development of new products or installation of new processes. It also deals with improvement of devices already installed or produced. Traditionally, labor has been classified as a person who sold his physical strength in order to earn his livelihood. The payment that he received for such a sale was known as 'wage'. So the laborers are also known as wage earner. But today the term labor has a more broad perspective. In the present world, laborers are generally classified under three broad heads i.e. the skilled labor, the semi skilled labor and the unskilled labor. It can be well presumed that the skilled laborers are those who have certain technical knowledge about the task they perform and so generally receives the highest pay among the three classes. Semi-skilled

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Kates children Essay Example for Free

Kates children Essay It is a dark damp day; the rain is beating down on the corrugated iron of my four-roomed cottage on Condobolin Road. It is still early hours, however my husband William has already left to visit his parents Frederick and Mary on their property, as the wind and rain has brought down two of their great gum trees. My children are still sleeping soundly. I am not feeling well again today, I have not felt well since Maggies death, some two years ago. My head has not felt right; it tells me to do things that women shouldnt even think of. I am not a well human being; I do not feel anymore, this haunts me. I feel great remorse and pity for myself. I am however fit to right my story, my life. My name is Catherine Ada Foster, however I am better known as Kate Kelly, sister of the renowned Ned Kelly. I was born in Beveridge on the 12th of July 1863, as the seventh child born to my parents John Red Kelly and Ellen Quinn. Mary, the eldest is the sister I never knew, as she passed away at infancy. Second born was Anne then came Edward- everyone knowing him as Ned, then Margaret, James and Daniel. At the young age of just three years old in 1866, many events took place that changed my life; my little sister Grace came into the world around the same time we as a family moved to Avenel. That year my father John Kelly also passed away of dropsy, an abnormal accumulation of fluid in the body tissues, or cavities causing swelling or distension of the affected parts. This left my mother a widow and seven children fatherless, so we moved in with my aunt in Greta. After living there for twelve months, mother took up her own selection on the Eleven-Mile-Creek in the Glenrowan district, and there we moved into a newly erected two-roomed hut built by Ned. In Greta, I attended school and upon finishing I spent my time helping mother with the younger children, as she had remarried George King in 1874, and had two more children, Ellen and John- making a family of eleven, most of us being exceptional horsemen. It was just five years before in 1969 when Ned was first bought before the police court for two cases, at just fifteen years of age. He was charged with assault of a fowl and pig dealer named Ah Fook, and secondly aiding a bushranger, Harry Power, in some of his robberies. Luckily for Ned and Mother, he was found not guilty in both cases. However before the end of that year, Ned was convicted again for assault and indecent behaviour resulting in six months hard labor. Our family name was becoming well known around our area, as the police were giving us a bad name for petty things my older brother did. When Ned was released from prison, just three weeks later he received a beautiful brown mare off a friend he met during his labor times. However the police were on to him and arrested Ned as the horse was stolen, Ned had no idea of this, but this didnt seem to matter to the police as he received three years hard labor. I was about fifteen years of age when the suitor Constable Alexander Fitzpatrick became attracted to me. He did not have a good name for himself, already fathering two children to different mothers. He tried to pose as a friend of the family, however my brothers were not fools to be reckoned with, and they did not trust him. On the 15th of April 1878, Fitzpatrick rode up to our house and Dan went outside. He asked Dan to go to Greta with him, as he had a warrant for stealing Whittys horses. Dan refused and asked to see the warrant, and Fitzpatrick said he had none. My mother told Fitzpatrick he had no business on her premises so he pulled out his revolver and said he would blow her brains out if she interfered. Mother said that Ned was present and he would come out and ram the revolver down his throat. It was obvious that Fitzpatrick had been drinking. As he was sitting on the stool waiting for Dan to finish his meal, I in my course of duties passed by him and he tried to kiss me. All my brothers tried to stop him. Fitzpatrick was drunk, they were sober but his story was believed above ours. He stated that my mother had struck him with a fire shovel, Dan had beaten him and Ned had shot him in the wrist and wounded him. He also incriminated William Williamson and Maggies husband William Skillion who he insisted on being there when the incident took place. The outcome resulted in long harsh sentences for mother, and our neighbours Skillion and Williamson. Ned and Dan hadnt waited for their arrest and fled into the Wombat Ranges. 1 I was very angry that even the doctor who attended Fitzpatricks wounds, did not confirm that there was a bullet wound, and also that there was a strong smell of liquor on his breath.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Charge of the Light Brigade Essay Example for Free

Charge of the Light Brigade Essay How far do Sources 1 and 2 challenge the impression of the Charge of the Light Brigade given in Source 3? The Charge of the Light Brigade was started by an order given by Lord Raglan to charge. It last half an hour and 113 men were killed. Source 3 is a ‘recalling’ of the brutality of the Charge of the Light Brigade. It shows the perspective of someone watching the battle rather than taking part so is therefore limited. Although, it is still useful as is written by a witness who saw it happen at the time of the event. There are various features of source 1 and 2 that challenge source 3’s impression of the Charge of the Light Brigade. For example, source 1 portrays the appearance of only Russian soldiers and of the English look triumphant. Whereas source 3 states ‘our men tried to drag their mangled bodies’ giving the impression that many were badly injured. Source 2 challenges source 3 by saying ‘right thro’ the line they broke’ this gives the impression the English troops managed to get onto Russian ground and shows them as more successful than stated in source. In addition source 2 agrees with source 1 in this sense as can be seen in the picture, the English soldiers have reached the Russians and the Russians are made to look weak. Source 2 however is limited as is written as a poem, so may be dramatized to add effect and make to it more interesting to read. Also the information included in the poem was written on the Isle of Weight after hearing Russell’s report so is very limited. Despite the various things that challenge source 3 in source 2 and 1 there are also many things that agree with it. When looking at the cartoon in source 1 it appears to disagree with source 3, however looking at the provenance may change this opinion. It was published in the magazine ‘Punch’ which was a teasing and dramatizing newspaper. It was also only one month after the Charge of the Light Brigade and everyone knew how badly the English had performed. It appears to pick fun at Lord Cardigan and blame him for the loss that day. Source 3 and 2 also agree that a lot of men were badly injured or killed that day. This is seen when source 2 states ‘Then they rode back, but not not this six hundred’ the emphasis on the not shows that nowhere near six hundred of them rode back. In source 3 this is shown when Sergeant-Major Timothy Gowing states ‘but few escaped. ’ Source 2 agrees with source 3 when it states the soldiers were ‘shatter’d and sunder’d. ’ This coincides with the image of the soldiers having to ‘drag their mangled bodies’ the word drag shows exhaustion and that they used every last bit of energy to try and escape the battle field. In conclusion, source 1 and 2 mainly agree with the image of the Charge of the Light Brigade portrayed in source 3. Source 1 is making fun of Lord Cardigan and how terribly wrong the whole situation went so is a lot less serious than the other 2 sources. They all however give the image of the battle being a bloody, ‘brutal’ one in which many lives were lost. Source 3 was written 41 years after this shows the charge still has an impact years later and people still do not know the full truth.

Organizational Culture of Toyota

Organizational Culture of Toyota Toyota is a globally recognized automobile manufacturer. It is one of the top auto mobile manufacturers in North America. Passion, integrity, and innovation are element of great importance at Toyota. It is an innovation leader in the industry, and well known for its philosophy of management its mass market hybrids. Toyota is delivering diverse line up of vehicles around the globe. The integrity, innovation and passion are extended beyond the vehicle manufacturing; this statement by Toyota is backed by procedures and policies that are practiced at Toyota. Toyota has been distinguished among its competitors for its ability of forward thinking. In the current environment of rapid growth and development, Toyota plans in advance to deal with the prospected growth rate and demands of diverse market. For Toyota to predict the growth in future, start must be from looking behind to their past. Behind the Toyotas remarkable success, there is excellent corporate culture of Toyota that hires the people as individuals not employees. At Toyota, everyone involved in the process strives for excellence and committed to his duties. Lean manufacturing practices of Toyota helps it move fast toward incorporation of TQM in its organizational process. Toyota has strong relationship with its all stakeholders and remarkably with its suppliers and customers. There is high degree of understanding between Toyota and its suppliers that enables Toyota to use Just in time technique of inventory. Toyota understands well about the fact that people possess different abilities and skills and these skills are their strengths, thus its exploits as many possible talents of its employees in one area and able to create great opportunity for growth within the corporation. Diversified employment approaches are used y Toyota that helps to generate a set of new ideas for future growth and become the leader of automobile industry by incorporating these ideas (Christensen, Overdorf, 2000), not only on loc al basis but also globally. From top ten official business strategies of Toyota is to recruit brightest and best among candidates, this strategy also help Toyota to create new opportunities for partnership. This approach of Toyota, help it to build an image of Toyota that it is committed to excellence. Ethics and social responsibility are of basic concern of Toyota. Ethics begins with core value of Toyota and whole process goes with these ethical set of values, creating a distinction as the Toyotas way. Despite having a very diverse workforce, there are no prejudices or stereotypical assumptions are apparent at Toyota, as there is a fair policy (Liker, 2004), that is concerned to hire the best and talented employees for company that can be source of leadership and innovation at Toyota. Due to its concern for society Toyota has a positive corporate image, a company that believe in helping people to improve their quality of life. In this regard Toyota is working with many organizations, universities, schools, and other businesses in support of programs that are beneficial for our world. Rules/norms at Toyota: Some important rules and norms at Toyota include the following: Respect for human rights: At Toyota, people are respected for their human rights. There are no discriminating practices on the basis of gender, race or ethnicity, age, religious, physical disability or material or social status. Intimidation or work place harassment is not tolerated at all (Yu, 2008). Toyota provides social protection to its employees and remuneration in accordance with local regulations. Safe and healthy working environment: Providing safe, healthy and comfortable working environment is the ultimate priority at Toyota. Systems at Toyota are designed to prevent disasters and accidents (Gowen Iii, Tallon, 2003). If any disaster or accident occurs, Toyota will cease the all related areas of operation and try to save and rescue the people. Team work: A culture of team work and cooperation is supported and practiced at Toyota, to achieve objectives and tasks effectively and efficiently and strive to enhance the capabilities of individuals and organization. All individuals at superior positions such as managers, supervisors etc. will encourage the team work (Gowen Iii, Tallon, 2003) and guide their subordinates to perform their duties efficiently. Customer opinion is an invaluable asset: Toyota has greater concern for the safety of its customers and thus provides adequate information to them on new safety related equipment that helps them to operate the vehicles in safe and sound manner. Honoring and observing the terms of contract: Toyota takes due note on terms and conditions of its contracts with it research and development partners and show full honor and respect for them (Liker, 2004). For such agreements, all relevant laws and regulations are considered. Contents for restrictions on joint research are always considered and practiced according to regulatory requirements of different countries. Organizational hierarchy of Toyota: Toyota is a multinational corporation; major decisions come from Toyota motors Japan. There is three tier executive systems at Toyota, executive vice president, senior managing director and managing officer who deals and manages the group affairs. Decision making lies on the side of executives in Japan. In Toyotas structure following important attributes include: Decision making is based on centralized style as major decisions are made at top level of management in Japan. Authority to make important decisions is retained at top of the hierarchy. To group the job tasks, Toyota uses departmentalization of different types, functional departmentalization, product departmentalization, geographic departmentalization and cross functional departmentalization namely. Toyota has tall hierarchal structure of organization as it has several layers of management between top level and frontline employees. There is narrow span of control, 49 managing directors at every department (Marksberry, 2012). Due to its rigid hierarchal structure, formalized communication system, tall structure and centralized decision making, Toyota can be said to have highly mechanistic structure (Sako, 2004). In Toyota every employee has not only to answer superior authority or manager, but also to engineer who representing the interests of customer. So it crosses a traditional structure with product structure. Finally it is a boundary less organization with no definite design. Toyota is managed to create strategic alliance. Internal communication practices at Toyota: At Toyota motors, written communication takes place at all levels of business. Corporate communications and newsletter writings are the vital elements that have kept staff informed and publically perceived notion of reliability and credibility that is highly important to its bottom line and given corporate and company image. To disseminate information from corporation, notice board is used. This way of communication is not so effective as people commonly ignore and do not read news from it. Bulletins are also used at Toyota which is an effective tool of internal communication. Bulletins are placed in front of counters or offices which are open to every member of organization. In order to pass urgent messages, Toyota motor uses cell phones as tool of internal communication. Telephones and cell phones are part and parcel of communication at Toyota Motor Corporation. Instant messaging allows staff at Toyota to communicate effectively and efficiently, as this system is featured with inst ant acknowledgement or reply. E-mail as a mean of communication is also popular practice at Toyota. Face to face interaction and communication also takes place. All these means of communication used at Toyota, plays critical role in passing important and necessary messages that help build the company. Planning and decision making at Toyota: As the hierarchal structure of Toyota reveals that important commands and decisions come from the top management in Toyota. Top management makes decision and then these decisions are communicated for implementation at lower levels. There is tell type of culture for decision making at Toyota. Top management issues commands and orders and seeks for implementation. Leadership at Toyota: Toyota perceives lean as continuous improvement and respect for people, embodying in two simple but powerful concepts (Cusumano, Kentaro,1998). Respect of people for Toyota lean leadership is viewed as having long term partners in business that mines the value by challenging people to stretch themselves and grow (Liker, 2004). By lean leadership approach in place, people who are not so challenging and are stagnant, are handled in nice way, they find opportunity to grow and enhance their capabilities by participating under process of continuous improvement. Conclusion: This paper provides a detailed view of organizational culture and characteristics of Toyota. Toyota has culture that is attributed with, commitment to excellence, respect for all inside the organization, concern for all stake holder including community, strong ethical values and code of conduct, hiring talented and bright people without any discrimination of race, ethnicity. Toyota has structure of mechanistic organization in decision making style. There is centralized decision making takes place at Toyota (Takeuchi, 2008). As far as communication system of Toyota is concerned, different effective tools for internal communication are used by Toyota such as bulletins, newsletters, email and text messaged and telephone system and face to face communication method. All these tools are used in mix to have effective and quick communication at workplace. Toyota is committed to excellence and in this journey, it not only uses lean manufacturing techniques but approach of lean leadership is also being practiced at Toyota (Cusumano, Kentaro, 1998), that helps Toyota to move forward towards process of continuous improvement.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Character Falstaff in Shakespeares Henry IV Essay -- Henry IV Hen

The Character Falstaff in Shakespeare's Henry IV Sir John Falstaff has a number of functions in 1 Henry IV, the most obvious as a clownish figure providing comic relief. His many lies and exaggerations entertain because of the wit and cleverness he employs to save himself from paying debts and answering for crimes. He in many ways represents an everyman--a sinner with little shame or honor, who nonetheless maintains at least an outward concern for honor and appearances. "If sack and sugar be a fault, God help the wicked! If to be old and merry be a sin, then many an old host that I know is damn'd. . . . [Banish the others] but for sweet Jack Falstaff, kind Jack Falstaff, true Jack Falstaff, valiant Jack Falstaff . . . banish plump Jack, and banish all the world." (II.iv) Clearly, Falstaff hopes to exculpate himself by arguing that his sins are no worse than everyone else's. And it is this aspect of Falstaff, that he is like the others, that is perhaps the most intriguing--Is Falstaff a foil or mirror of the other characters, notably Hotspur and Prince Hal? We see Shakespeare setting up parallel situations that reveal how we should read the characters. For example, many critics see a kind of teacher/student or even father/son relationship in Falstaff and Hal's relationship. This relationship is not filled with mutual respect however. Falstaff no doubt hopes that his fraternizing with the young Prince will mean a pay-off in titles, money, and prestige when Hal comes into power. Falstaff asks the Prince, "Do not thou, when thou art king, hang a thief" (I.ii); thieving is after all Falstaff's "vocation," so he shows here that he is already thinking of how to gain an advantage of the future king's influence. As for Hal, he c... ...honor of the bawdy house, of the drunken boast, but true honor that is based in fact and in deed. He can rise to the occasion of besting the best of the foemen. He rejects his false "father" Falstaff and rushes to the aid of his real father, saving him in battle. Yet, he has taken something from Falstaff too, and that is his humor, his flexible mind, his joy of life. He lets stand Falstaff's absurd claim that he Falstaff has killed Percy. In this, Hal shows modesty and true self-confidence. To that he has blended Hotspur's valor and honor while avoiding Hotspur's brittle hair-splitting and unalloyed pride. In Hal, Shakespeare successfully merges the two extremes of Falstaff and Percy into a human and humane whole. Works Cited: Shakespeare, William.Henry IV.In The Norten Anthology of English Literature.Eds. M.H. Abrams et all. 5th Ed. New York: Norton, 1987.

Monday, August 19, 2019

cost of war Essay -- essays research papers fc

  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The total cost of the war in Iraq is now above 161 billion dollars and is still rising. That is an incredible amount of money that is being put forth to fight an ongoing war against insurgents in Iraq. This money could potentially be put toward finding a solution to some of America’s more personal issues, such as the declining amount of government money in schools, the increasing number of people being diagnosed with AIDS, and the increasing poverty level. Putting money towards finding solutions to these issues would make America a better place to live.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Many schools are being closed down every year due to the lack of money being put into those schools. Some of the money spent on the war could be allocated for these schools in order to keep them open. For example, after the Board of Education announced that thirty-four public schools would close by next fall the executive vice-president, Virginia Cantrell, of the Detroit Federation of Teachers said, â€Å"We are in a crisis† (Rummel par 2). Cantrell said the loss of more than half of the city’s population in the past thirty years and the growth of charter schools leaves fewer students in the public school system (Rummel par 2). In addition to keeping the schools open, the money would also help stop other problems such as the lack of teachers and poor teacher-student ratios. In November of 2000, students at Guy Benjamin Elementary School were sent home after the teachers who showed up left(McCracken par 1). The school closed at 11:30 when the principa l had only three staff members remaining to supervise more than 100 students (McCracken par 2). The teachers were striking because of inadequate pay. The Territorial Court Judge ended the three week strike by ordering the teachers to come back to work (McCracken par 3). The money used for the war could be allotted to pay teachers more money to keep the people who currently are teachers and as an incentive to get more people to become teachers. This would eliminate the problem of people not wanting to become teachers solely because teachers do not make enough money. Furthermore, the money could be used to buy needed supplies. Many schools do not have sufficient amounts of books or computers, if any, that are in good condition. The money could also be used to renovate old schools that are in bad condition. Stu... ... such as the budget and social security could benefit from money used for the war in Iraq. Devoting money to solving these problems would not only help solve these problems but would have an effect on America’s overall well being. The bottom line is that there is an enormous amount of money being used to fight this war and if the money was used more efficiently, it could not only be used for the war but also be used for the wars that Americans currently battle everyday at home. Works Cited Jeanie Lerche Davis. â€Å"CDC: HIV/AIDS Statistics Up in America†. WebMDHealth. 28 July, 2003. WebMD. 14 April 2005. McCracken, David. â€Å"Benjamin School closes for lack of teachers†. World History Archives. 8 November 2000. Hartford Web Publishing. 14 April 2005. . Rummel John. â€Å"‘Devastating’ school closings hit Detroit†. People’s Weekly World. 14 April 2005. People’s Weekly World Newspaper. 14 April 2005. . Siddiqi, Samana. â€Å"Statistics on poverty & food wastage in America†. 26 April 2004. Islamic Information & Products. 14 April 2005. . â€Å"The War in Iraq Costs†. Cost of War. April, 2003. National Priorities Project. 14 April 2005. .

Sunday, August 18, 2019

The Hunchback of Notre-Dame Essay -- essays research papers

In this novel The Hunchback of Notre-Dame (1831), Victor Hugo talks about the life of his characters in the city of Paris. This story takes place in the late-fourteenth century. With inequality all around it was hard for a person to gain respect without good looks or social status. In this paper I will mainly discuss the story of Quasimodoe Esmeralda, and their struggle in this story Quasimodoe`s mother was a gypsy. She could not take care of him any longer so she left him in front of a church. Gypsies were not liked at this time, but the church was highly respected. Being it that Quasimodo`s mom had left him on front steps of the church the king could do almost nothing. Quasimodoe could not leave the church due to the fact that he was deformed and ugly. Quasimodo grew very lonely and bored up in that bell tower all by him self. He was looking down one day and set eyes upon a young woman named Esmerelda. On the day of fools Quasimodo saw this young lady and decided to go do! wn and take a closer look at this woman. It was a holiday, feast of fools, when he decided to go down. When the people saw him they were horrified. He got whipped and lectured by his master. Well, to make a long story short Esmerelda ends up dyeing, and Quaismodo runs away and is never seen or heard of again. They state that in the end they find two skeletons lying in each others arms. One the body of a lady (Esmerelda), and the other the body of a man who was deformed (Quaismodo). It also states that th...

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Budget Cuts in Education Essay

Drastic cuts in Florida’s educational system are in resulting increasing class sizes, the elimination of music, art, and other elective classes, the significant reduction in extracurricular activities, and a diminished ability to provide incentives for teachers to continue teaching. The effect of these changes will be a long term negative impact on teacher’s ability to teach and decrease our students’ ability to learn. Budget cuts are forcing qualified teachers out of the classroom where they are most effective and causing them to pursue other careers or academic endeavors. As stated in State Impact, because of the shortage of funds of over $170 million, Broward County alone has laid off more than 2,400 employees and most of them have been teachers (O’Connor, 2011). Andy Ford, president of the Florida Education Association, the statewide teachers union, said the union is expecting about 20,000 teacher layoffs (Castro, 2011). As a result of these layoffs, and current graduating teaching students, school districts are left with a surplus of teachers. Many have the opportunity to come back to work before the next school year begins but may not be at the same school or even teaching the same grade level. Because this is based on seniority, those teachers who have been laid off and unfortunately are not one of the chosen to go back to work, have been forced to go back to school to either continue to pursue their education career or pursue a completely different major. Recent layoffs have resulted in, expanded classroom sizes with potentially disastrous effect on student performance. There once was a time classrooms had a maximum of 20 students. In some states, classroom sizes have expanded to as much as 36 students in one class. According to Science Daily, reports show that students in small classes in grades four through six consistently have better results than students in large classes. Those in small classes that had better cognitive and non-cognitive skills, had better scores on standardized national tests in grades six and nine, and perceived themselves as developing more self-confidence and greater patience (Expertanswer, 2012). Budget cuts that result in inreased class sizes need to be made with these considerations in mind. Many people are not aware of the effect of music on students’ ability to learn and retain information, yet as documented previously, music classes are one of the first programs to be cut in this environment. According to Science Daily, there is now definitive proof of different brain development and improved memory of students who take music lessons when compared to those who do not (Press, 2006). â€Å"Not only do the brains of musically-trained children respond to music in a different way to those of the untrained children, but also that the training improves their memory as well. After one year the musically trained children performed better in a memory test that is correlated with general intelligence skills such as literacy, verbal memory, visuospatial processing, mathematics and IQ† (Press, 2006). If it costs $2. 5 million to have an art program, music program, and physical education program, one can see why school are making these cuts, however; in the light of this research provided, we can see that these cuts will be coming at the expense of our students cognitive abilities. As the budgets get smaller, and the expenses are getting bigger, specials and elective classes are being cut. Music and art have been eliminated in some schools. In others, it is just part time. Students are not getting the basic musical and artistic education, which were once available years ago. Teachers who used to teach elective classes are forced to teach core subjects if they still want a job. Physical education classes have also been cut in some schools or have been reduced significantly. Some teachers work at two different schools. For example, three days out of the week, they may work at an elementary school and the other two days; they may work at a middle or high school. As a result to physical education being reduced or eliminated, childhood obesity may be more of a concern. Because physical activity has been extremely reduced in many households because of television, it is important that students have physical education in school. Teachers do not have many incentives to continue teaching. There is no money to purchase simple materials for the classroom. As said in Public Good, Public Cuts; elementary schoolteachers have resorted to asking students to buy supplies at the beginning of the school year (Economists, 2011). A suggested list is available for the parents and these supplies are what the students will need for the duration of the school year. Many teachers spend their own money to purchase supplies as well. Students in middle school and high school do fundraisers to raise money for special events at their schools. The effects of these budget cuts are impacting every area of students’ academic experience including the frequency of the update in the school textbooks. Schools typically updated their textbooks every few years, however; with these budget cuts; this researcher has found that students may be using the same textbooks for 10-15 years due to the lack of funds. Although this may not be an issue with some subjects, there are subjects, such as History and Social Studies that are subjects that require updated information as years go on. If students used the same textbook for 15 years, a History book would be missing three presidents. Textbooks are an essential part of student’s education and if there are no funds to purchase new ones, students in the United States will be behind compare to other countries are much more advanced concerning education. Field trips and extracurricular activities have been reduced or eliminated. Students do not have the chance to go on all the field trips that were once upon a time offered. Field trips that are now taken tend to be at the cost of the parents. Parents have been forced to come out-of-pocket for the entire cost of field trips. Schools also sponsor fundraisers to assist these parents in paying for some of those costly trips. For example, fifth grade students who are going on their end of the year trip may sell donuts or candy boxes in efforts to raise money to pay for that trip. Some schools do not have funding to continue specific sports. Fees have increased and parents are having pay out-of-pocket for student’s uniforms and to travel to games in order to continue these sport teams. Budget cuts are now negatively affecting the actual physical environment in which students learn. According to State Impact, future possible district budget cuts in efforts to save jobs include â€Å"eliminating art, music, technology and/or reading teachers to save up to $4. 1 million, eliminating middle and high school athletic programs and saving $2. 2 million, and raising thermostats one degree to 78 degrees, the highest allowed by state law, saving $500,000† (O’Connor, 2011). With increasing class sizes and increase in temperatures, students will now be forced to learn in cramped, potentially uncomfortable conditions that will impact negatively student learning. Given the negative impact of described these budget cuts, it would be wise to consider alternative options to deal with budget shortfalls. Other options of saving money are available, such as teachers taking extended holidays without pay. School district saved millions of dollars by closing all public schools two extra days during thanksgiving break. Schools should only have been closed Wednesday through Friday but the district managed to get approval to close Monday and Tuesday as well. The economic condition has affected drastically the public schools due to the budget cuts they have faced. It has caused major setbacks because there is no money available to supply the materials these students need to learn effectively. At this rate, schools eventually will begin to shut down. Teachers have already begun to retire early because they can only foresee it getting worse. Something has got to give at this point, but it should not be at the expense of student’s education. If schools cannot teach students the simpler things, such as what encyclopedias are which may be an opportunity for parents to spend more bonding time with their children and take them to the library to learn new things. Sooner than later, students in Pre-kindergarten and kindergarten will be attending school for half a day only instead of a full day in efforts to save money. It is imperative that parents encourage educational activities at home as well as physical activities. Broward County Schools are suffering drastically. Although they seem to have it figured out, cutting art, music, physical education, and other special programs may not be what is best for the students.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Tears of a Tiger Questions

After the tragic accident, Andy isn't treated well by the people not close to him at school. Some people don't talk to him, others make rude comments. There are even some who won't even look at him in the halls. Everyone has the right to express their own opinion; however, they should look at the situation more carefully before lugging. It was Andy fault because he should not have been drinking and driving but, it was not intentional for Rob to die. 2. After the tragedy, death takes main focus in Andy life.While all of Andy friends eventually get over the death of their reined, Andy does not move on. He continues to close up more and more and Just lets everything overwhelm him. He does go back into basketball as soon as he is allowed to. His grades also continue to slip. He feels this is the way to continue his life because all the blame is on him so it no longer matters. 3. Many things happen after the tragedy that leads to the gradual decline and loss of control in Andy life. Andy has agreed to continue his sessions at a therapist's office.These are to help him open up and get him back to normal as much as possible to move on from the accident. However, after a while he fools the therapist and his parent's and teachers into believing that he is finally moving on from the accident. He doesn't hang out with his friends much anymore, and when he does he doesn't talk much about anything. After his break up with Geisha, he moves on past her and doesn't feel the need to talk to her anymore. His family and friends cannot help Andy, because he closes up with his friends and makes his parent's think he is getting better and does not say anything to them. 4.Andy final decision is seen as a coward's way out because instead of leaning with the accident and living through it and getting past it, he decides to take his life so he does not have to live with it any longer. It affects many people in his life. A) His parent's now have to deal with the loss of a kid and worry a bout how it will affect their other son. His parent's get a divorce and live in separate houses and his mother cries all the time. B) His brother Monty now has to go through life remembering what happened to his older brother. He has to grow up remembering his brother committed suicide and he has to learn to live with that.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

King Lear: A Tragic Hero

King Lear: A Tragic Hero King Lear by William Shakespeare Is an example of a classic tragedy. The mall character, King Lear, Is the tragic hero, which Is one of the aspects of a tragedy. King Lear wrongfully judges his daughters when he asks them to describe their love for him. He banishes one of his daughters. Cornelia, even though she is the only one that truly loves him. When he discovers that his other daughters General and Reagan do not actually love him, he starts to go insane. However, Lear eventually realizes his mistakes and tries to mend his relationships.King Lear is a tragic hero because wrought his suffering, brought on by his pride, he learns to Judge people based on character rather than appearances. King Lear is a complex character that has many flaws. However, the flaw that causes him most trouble is his hubris. He makes mistakes and he is too proud to admit them. One of his biggest mistakes is banishing Cornelia. Lear avows: â€Å"Let it be so C†¦ ] as thou my sometime daughter† (1. 1 . 120-134). Lear expresses his newfound hatred for Cornelia. Even though she is being honest, he is furious. This is an example of Learns pride.The second somebody does not absolutely adore him, he becomes brash and angry. He quickly makes the decision to ban his own daughter and disown her, even though she is the only one that loves him truly. During his monologue, he claims that he is no longer a father to Cornelia because he finds her actions so wretched. He is horrified by the fact that somebody does not praise him like a god, so the only thing he can do to regain his position of nobility is to banish her and show that he has power over her. This Is an awful quality that Is part of what leads to Learns fall.Even General and Reagan recognize that Lear has made a terrible mistake. Goner† claims â€Å"He always loved our sister most, and with what poor judgment he hath now cast her off appears too grossly† (1. 1. 336-338). Even the appal ling sisters understand what Lear does not. It Is shown that even if they are awful and greedy, General and Reagan still comprehend that Cornelia is caring and Lear is being unreasonable. Right in the beginning of the play, it is clear that Lear does not want to admit his flaws, which in Itself Is a flaw. His pride causes his the kingdom.General and Reagan end up betraying him and he is left out in the storm to suffer. Learns pride is one of the factors as to why he is a tragic hero. As a result of his pride, Lear suffers. This experience leads to his misdiagnosis. General and Reagan leave Lear out in the middle of a storm. Lear is betrayed by his own daughters whom he thinks love him endlessly. Having been stranded in the storm, King Lear descends Into madness. He feels that praise Is more Important than true feelings. Right from the start of the betrayal, Lear already knows that he will start to go crazy.Lear shouts â€Å"O Fool, I shall go mad! † (2. 4. 328). Lear sees his own future. He knows how he reacts to things and feels as though this is the worst thing to ever happen to him. King Lear actually becomes so insane that he imagines his gathers. Lear rambles on, saying: â€Å"I'll see their trial [†¦ ] but let them be changed† (3. 6. 37-85). Lear Is at the point in his insanity where he is completely his mad state he is trying to mend his relations even though it is not actually happening. Lear is so depressed during this time and is suffering deeply.He is experiencing new feelings and is doing things that he has never had to do before. This suffering is one of the reasons why King Lear is a tragic hero. King Learns suffering is what makes him realize that he is wrong and that his hubris is a major flaw in his personally. This misdiagnosis is major to the book and it's plot because Lear now knows that he has made detrimental mistakes. The first sign of this realization is when Cornelia is speaking with Lear and he acts as if he does no t know her. Lear admits: â€Å"If you have poison for me, I will drink it.I know you do not love me, for your sisters have, as I do remember done me wrong† (4. 7. 82-84). Lear realizes that he wrongly Judged Cornelia and he feels awful about it. King Lear understands that Cornelia will hate him and fully understands why she feels the way she does. However, all he wants is Cordillera's forgiveness. He now comprehends true eve and understands that have one person who truly loves you is better than having multiple people falsely gawking over you. This is a huge development in Learns character and shows the fixation of his tragic flaw.He finally puts other people's thoughts and feelings in front of his own and is not afraid of being mediocre. His hubris is gone and he is a better person. By the end of the play, King Lear reciprocates Cordillera's love and loyalty. King Lear exclaims: â€Å"Her voice was soft, gentle, and low, an excellent thing in woman† (5. 3. 328-329). N ot only does Lear realize what true love is, but he also learns how to love others correctly. He is appreciative of Cornelia now that he realizes how much he loves her.This misdiagnosis is a characteristic of Learns that makes him a tragic hero. The play King Lear by William Shakespeare teaches about human suffering through the main character King Lear. Learns suffering shows that all humans must go through some sort of pain before having full clarity. This suffering may come from mistakes made by the person, Just like Lear wrongfully Judging Cornelia and his other daughters. Learns pride and lack of insight leads to his distress. However, this pain leads to misdiagnosis, which makes King Lear a tragic hero. King Lear: A Tragic Hero King Lear: A Tragic Hero King Lear by William Shakespeare Is an example of a classic tragedy. The mall character, King Lear, Is the tragic hero, which Is one of the aspects of a tragedy. King Lear wrongfully judges his daughters when he asks them to describe their love for him. He banishes one of his daughters. Cornelia, even though she is the only one that truly loves him. When he discovers that his other daughters General and Reagan do not actually love him, he starts to go insane. However, Lear eventually realizes his mistakes and tries to mend his relationships.King Lear is a tragic hero because wrought his suffering, brought on by his pride, he learns to Judge people based on character rather than appearances. King Lear is a complex character that has many flaws. However, the flaw that causes him most trouble is his hubris. He makes mistakes and he is too proud to admit them. One of his biggest mistakes is banishing Cornelia. Lear avows: â€Å"Let it be so C†¦ ] as thou my sometime daughter† (1. 1 . 120-134). Lear expresses his newfound hatred for Cornelia. Even though she is being honest, he is furious. This is an example of Learns pride.The second somebody does not absolutely adore him, he becomes brash and angry. He quickly makes the decision to ban his own daughter and disown her, even though she is the only one that loves him truly. During his monologue, he claims that he is no longer a father to Cornelia because he finds her actions so wretched. He is horrified by the fact that somebody does not praise him like a god, so the only thing he can do to regain his position of nobility is to banish her and show that he has power over her. This Is an awful quality that Is part of what leads to Learns fall.Even General and Reagan recognize that Lear has made a terrible mistake. Goner† claims â€Å"He always loved our sister most, and with what poor judgment he hath now cast her off appears too grossly† (1. 1. 336-338). Even the appal ling sisters understand what Lear does not. It Is shown that even if they are awful and greedy, General and Reagan still comprehend that Cornelia is caring and Lear is being unreasonable. Right in the beginning of the play, it is clear that Lear does not want to admit his flaws, which in Itself Is a flaw. His pride causes his the kingdom.General and Reagan end up betraying him and he is left out in the storm to suffer. Learns pride is one of the factors as to why he is a tragic hero. As a result of his pride, Lear suffers. This experience leads to his misdiagnosis. General and Reagan leave Lear out in the middle of a storm. Lear is betrayed by his own daughters whom he thinks love him endlessly. Having been stranded in the storm, King Lear descends Into madness. He feels that praise Is more Important than true feelings. Right from the start of the betrayal, Lear already knows that he will start to go crazy.Lear shouts â€Å"O Fool, I shall go mad! † (2. 4. 328). Lear sees his own future. He knows how he reacts to things and feels as though this is the worst thing to ever happen to him. King Lear actually becomes so insane that he imagines his gathers. Lear rambles on, saying: â€Å"I'll see their trial [†¦ ] but let them be changed† (3. 6. 37-85). Lear Is at the point in his insanity where he is completely his mad state he is trying to mend his relations even though it is not actually happening. Lear is so depressed during this time and is suffering deeply.He is experiencing new feelings and is doing things that he has never had to do before. This suffering is one of the reasons why King Lear is a tragic hero. King Learns suffering is what makes him realize that he is wrong and that his hubris is a major flaw in his personally. This misdiagnosis is major to the book and it's plot because Lear now knows that he has made detrimental mistakes. The first sign of this realization is when Cornelia is speaking with Lear and he acts as if he does no t know her. Lear admits: â€Å"If you have poison for me, I will drink it.I know you do not love me, for your sisters have, as I do remember done me wrong† (4. 7. 82-84). Lear realizes that he wrongly Judged Cornelia and he feels awful about it. King Lear understands that Cornelia will hate him and fully understands why she feels the way she does. However, all he wants is Cordillera's forgiveness. He now comprehends true eve and understands that have one person who truly loves you is better than having multiple people falsely gawking over you. This is a huge development in Learns character and shows the fixation of his tragic flaw.He finally puts other people's thoughts and feelings in front of his own and is not afraid of being mediocre. His hubris is gone and he is a better person. By the end of the play, King Lear reciprocates Cordillera's love and loyalty. King Lear exclaims: â€Å"Her voice was soft, gentle, and low, an excellent thing in woman† (5. 3. 328-329). N ot only does Lear realize what true love is, but he also learns how to love others correctly. He is appreciative of Cornelia now that he realizes how much he loves her.This misdiagnosis is a characteristic of Learns that makes him a tragic hero. The play King Lear by William Shakespeare teaches about human suffering through the main character King Lear. Learns suffering shows that all humans must go through some sort of pain before having full clarity. This suffering may come from mistakes made by the person, Just like Lear wrongfully Judging Cornelia and his other daughters. Learns pride and lack of insight leads to his distress. However, this pain leads to misdiagnosis, which makes King Lear a tragic hero.

Discussion questions Essay

Do you think Kappmeyer should sign the proposal, and why? What pushed USS to stay with conventional technology? My recommendation based on analysis of the case and understanding the basic nature of disruptive technologies, and their impact on the general industry is that Kappmeyer should not sign the proposal. The main reason for that is USS is tying itself to an existing, but dying business model and technology. While this plan may make sense in the short-term, it does not have long-term sustainability. The market has already indicated that it is changing, adapting to minimills, and this trend would likely continue. As minimill technology becomes more sophisticated, their quality and other disadvantages would reduce and they would start competing with integrated manufacturing even in the high-end markets. Unfortunately for USS, there is no silver bullet. Since USS is already invested in the market, they will have to go through a difficult, and expensive, change, or they will end up perishing as the industry changes around them. USS current decided to stay with conventional continuous casting technology simply because they were looking at the shorter-term future, and was not willing to take the financial hit and risk associated with a new disruptive technology. Additionally, they were tying themselves to the requirements of the current customers, and ignoring potentially new users for the future. Did USS team get the right answer to the wrong question? What if, rather than whether USS should install CSP in Mon Valley, Kappmeyer has asked whether USS should invest in or participate in this technology? Would you have answered that question differently than you did when the problem was framed as Mon Valley issue? †¢ What should USS’s next technological move be? Should USS take another â€Å"long shot† to leapfrog ahead of Nucor? Or should it â€Å"get on the ground† neck-to-neck with Nucor, employing a viable commercial technology as soon as possible incrementally improving CSP? Readings †¢ Christensen (1995). Disruptive technologies: Catching the wave, HBR

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

cannabis and psychosis

cannabis and psychosis The association between substance misuse (cannabis however they impose a considerable personal and public health burden (Degenhardt Regier et al. 1990). This Comorbidity as a result largely enhances cost associated with treatment, predominantly in relation to hospital and other institutional services. The majority of the evidence regarding prevalence of substance use and mental illness comes from the United States, though European standpoint on prevalence is rapidly rising. One of the first and most famous US study is The Epidemiological Catchment Area study conducted by Regier et al. 1990 across 5 US sites, which involved over 20.000 participants. This study tried to measure how common dual diagnosis was and stated that 47% of the participants they surveyed with schizophrenia or schizophreniform disorder also met the criteria for substance use disorder/dependence at some point in their life. Furthermore, the likelihood of having substance use disorder amongst patients with psycho tic illness was notably higher compared to those in the general population without a psychotic illness (Kessler et al. 1994; Regier et al. 1990). In sharp contrast, studies that have been conducted in the UK have reported more moderate rates of substance misuse amongst those with psychotic disorders. For instance, Cantwell in 2003 undertook a study with 316 patients with schizophrenia and only 7% had stated that they had a problem with substance misuse in the previous year, and 21% had reported problematic use some time before that (Cantwell, 2003). Similarly, Wright and Colleagues identified patients with psychotic illnesses who had been in contact with services in the London Borough of Croydon and reported that prevalence rates of dual diagnosis were 33% for the use of any substance and lifetime history of any illicit drug use was 35% of the sample (Wright et al. 2000). Cannabis is the most frequently used substance in patients with psychotic disorder (Van Mastrigt et al. 2004; Ba rnett et al. 2007) and the literature indicates fairly consistently the association between regular uses of cannabis and developing first-onset psychosis[1] (Grech et al. 2005). However, the causes for the links are still hotly debated. Nevertheless, cannabis has damaging effects on the course of the illness on top of being an economic burden on health services (Atakan, 2009). More specifically, estimates of frequency of cannabis abuse amongst patients with first-episode psychosis is said to range from 20% to 70% (Miles et al. 2003; Isaac et al. 2005). A systematic review of 53 treatment samples and 5 epidemiological studies looking at the prevalence of cannabis use and misuse among those with psychotic illnesses stated lifetime use in 42% and lifetime misuse in 22.5% of the sample while current use was 23% and misuse 11.3% (Green et al. 2005). Furthermore, epidemiological studies also have shown that cannabis is the most frequently abused substance amongst younger people (Van Mastr igt, 2004; Addington Wade et al. 2007) with lower educational background (Mueser et al. 1990) and it is more common in men than in women amongst first-episode psychosis patients (Barnett et al. 2007; Addington Barnes et al. 2006). Inevitably, cannabis abuses among youth experiencing a first-episode psychosis results in negative consequences for prognosis and relapse and therefore complicate treatment and impair recovery (Archie et al. 2009). It is constantly reported in the literature that patients with first-episode psychosis who abuse cannabis had considerably more hospital admissions rates as well as more psychotic symptoms compared to first episode psychosis patients who do not abuse cannabis (Wade et al. 2006; Negrete et al. 1986; Turkington et al. 2009)

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Father and Son Relationships Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Father and Son Relationships - Essay Example Psychologists argue that a good coach introduces specific skills at certain period, for example they say an athlete boy’s skill windows reside between the age of nine to twelve (9-12) because it is during this time that the boy’s body is developing the required enzymes and hormones. It is argued that if speed is not trained at this appropriate skills window then the child will never be in position to run as fast as they could as they grow to adulthood (Thompson 34). Basing on this argument, it is clear that for boys to learn their male roles, get role models and grow up to adulthood without social troubles, then they require closer mentorship from their father, coaches and teachers. According to Dr. David Popenoe, who is a sociologist, the involvement of father to bring up a boy child bring positive benefit to the child that no other person is as likely to convey. In this respect we cannot underestimate the father role in child outcomes, including cognitive ability, soc ial behaviour, psychological well-being and achievement in education. Young boys who have a caring father have better educational outcome, psychologists argue that such boys have higher IQs with good linguistic and cognitive capacities (Popenoe 56). Boys brought up by involved fathers at most begin going to school with better level of academic readiness and are said to be more patient with abilities to handle stress and frustration connected to schooling more readily as compared to those children with less involved fathers or coaches ( Pruett 41). According to (Goldstine 19), this father’s influence in academic achievement is carried by the boys into adolescence and young adulthood, hence making them take up male roles and avoid some troubles like drug abuse and unnecessary sexual activities. The young boys whose fathers is involving are better placed to be emotionally secure, always confident to explore their surroundings and in that process they grow older having good socia l links with peers. The probability of such boys getting into trouble at home, school or in the neighbourhood is minimal. (Lamb 42) Such boys are more sociable and popular among others. The coaches, teachers and at most father’s day to day interaction with young boys learn how to regulate their feelings and behaviour, they can study how to deal with their aggressive impulses and physical contact devoid of losing control of their emotion (Parke 109). Independence is an important virtue to any man. However, most men lack it and that is why they are always in trouble with their peers, teachers, employees among others. It is important to argue that since fathers often push for achievement, a child brought up with full involvement of a father coaches or teacher will grow up more comfortable as he explore the world around him and more likely to exhibit self- control and pro-social conduct hence independence. Most adult men in the world today are dying of depression; this has a dire ct link to father-child relationship. Psychological research has shown that young boys who grow up with close attachment to the father or coach are less likely to experience depression, exhibit disruptive behaviour, lie, instead will exhibit pro-social behaviour therefore they will avoid drugs, violence and other

Monday, August 12, 2019

Careers in Lodging and Food and Beverage Industries Essay

Careers in Lodging and Food and Beverage Industries - Essay Example Furthermore, the analysis of the occupational scenario within these industries is followed by the statement of appropriate recommendations with regards to best human resource practices in the lodging, food and beverage industries to enhance the procedures of recruitment, retaining and employee management within these career fields. The dynamics of the lodging industry indicate that there exists an extensive range of career opportunities with regards to management positions in the field of work. The job descriptions which represent the most distinct and unique requirements are that of the Hotel Manager whose role and responsibilities within the organization can be categorized on the basis of region and seniority. For example, the job titles which reflect this notion are that of Hotel Manager – Trainee and Hotel Manager – Regional respectively, in which the Hotel Manager – Trainee position implies that an individual is perhaps a fresh graduate with little or no exp erience while, the Hotel Manager – Regional position is reflective of an organization’s need to appoint separate Hotel Managers to govern the affairs of each region to ensure that the varying demands of the hotel guests are met accordingly. Consequently, another key feature of the human resources requirements of the lodging industry is reflected in the demand for Operations Managers. The job description of this title demands a variety of capabilities in a potential applicant which are fundamental to the effective handling of the day-to-day operations of a hotel. It is understood that an Operation Manager’s part in guiding an organization towards the achievement of profit maximization is pivotal because as a member of the management, it is usually the Operations Manager who assumes the responsibilities of the General Manager in case of his/her absence. Moreover, the lodging industry also invites applicants to explore the opportunities that Revenue Management has to offer. The most significant observation that is comprehensible from the assessments on management jobs in the foods and beverages industry is the availability of management positions that are specific to a distinct field of work. The job titles of these positions are associated with Kitchen Management and Restaurant Management. The occupations in Kitchen Management are categorized as Kitchen Manager – All and Kitchen Manager – Assistant, the classification of which is conducted on the basis of seniority and the scope of responsibility that each title entails. Similarly, jobs in Restaurant Management are categorized by the presence of several opportunities such as Restaurant Manager – Multi-unit and Restaurant Manager – Assistance. Furthermore, the food and beverage industry also invites potential applicants to apply for jobs in sales management and marketing management. The General Management (GM) positions in the lodging and food and beverage industri es can be examined as per the requirements that have been outlined by employers who are seeking to recruit ideal candidates to join their teams. The two comparable yet distinct positions in this regard are that of the Hotel General Manager and the Restaurant General Manager. The similarities in the characteristics of these General Manageme

Sunday, August 11, 2019

National cash Register Company Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

National cash Register Company - Essay Example It can be viewed that over 300000 NCR ATMs are installed throughout the globe. In order to upgrade ATM’s security, NCR created a software solution to implement in all of its ATM machines. At the same time, Korala Associates Ltd. (KAL) argued to have created a comparable security up-gradation for NCR’s ATMs. For developing such software, KAL has entered into agreement with NCR in the year 1998 (the â€Å"1998 Agreement†). Thus, in order to facilitate such process, NCR had financed KAL a property ATM which involved copyright software known as APTRA XFS (Gehrke & Associates, S.C., â€Å"United States Court Of Appeals For The Sixth Circuit†). ISSUE: NCR assumed that KAL had obtained access to make unauthorized use of the copyrighted software and claimed that KAL had involved in unlawful copying of APTRRA XFS software. NCR further claimed that KAL has developed its version of security upgradation only by engaging in this unauthorized activity. NCR brought a sui t claiming copyright infringement against KAL (Gehrke & Associates, S.C., â€Å"United States Court Of Appeals For The Sixth Circuit†). Law: The court stated that the dispute amid the parties not only rely upon the scope of the arbitration clause, but also remains much focus upon determining whether claims would be ruled under the arbitration clause of the contract. ... im to be decided by arbitration because it wanted to seek remedy against the intentional act of breaching its licensing agreement (the 1998 agreement) by KAL and also because infringement of NCR’s copyright in APTRA XFS software which would be dispositive to this claim. It can be affirmed that NCR could have a claim that KAL engaged in unfair competition because KAL indulged in conducting unethical business practices through misusing misused trade secrets and other valuable property information (Gehrke & Associates, S.C., â€Å"United States Court Of Appeals For The Sixth Circuit†). AMERICAN NEEDLE, INC .V. NATIONAL FOOTBALL LEAGUE (CASE 28.1) FACTS: The National Football league (NFL) includes thirty two independently owned qualified football teams. Every team possess name, logo and colors along with own associated intellectual property. In 1963, the teams created National Football League Properties (NFLP) to build up license and promote their trademarked objects includ ing caps and jersey. NFLP has approved licenses to number of traders allowing them to produce and sell clothes embedding team insignias. American Needle, Inc was one of the licensees. In the year 2000, NFLP approved Reebok International Ltd an absolute ten year license to produce and trade trademarked headwear for entire thirty two teams. Thereafter, it refused to refurbish license of American Needle (Robins, Kaplan, Miller & Ciresi L.L., â€Å"Supreme Court of the United States†). ISSUE: American Needle filed a suit in a federal district court claiming that the contract involving the NFL, the NFLP, its teams and Reebok infringed Sections 1 and 2 articulated in Sherman Act. Law: In response, the defendants affirmed that they were unable of work against within the section 1 â€Å"because they are single

Saturday, August 10, 2019

International Marketing, INDIA outline Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

International Marketing, INDIA outline - Essay Example Because of this diversity in population and culture, the food habits of the Indian population are different. India is a secular democratic country even though the majority of the population are Hindus. Most of the Hindus are vegetarians whereas Muslims and Christians are non-vegetarians. â€Å"Indias meat consumption is very low - currently 4.5 kg per capita - and it has grown by only 1 kg in the last 20 years† (Prospects for the livestock sector) whereas in vegetable consumption India became one of the prominent countries in the world. Typical meals in India are prepared from wheat, rice, barley, vegetables etc. â€Å"From 1997 to 2003: per capita food availability did not increase, and child malnutrition rates remained at very high levels, with more than 46% of children under five being underweight† (The Financial Express). An international marketer should take note of these food statistics of Indian people seriously while formulating marketing strategies for differen t regions of India Most of the Indian people are living below the poverty line and hence they may not have adequate housing facilities. Many of the Indian people are staying in temporary huts and their housing needs were not properly met by the governments till now. Most of the Indian people live in one-family or house even after their marriage because of their lack of financial abilities to purchase independent houses. Since India is a huge country with different climate zones, different types of houses are built by people living at different regions. For example, in the southern region, concrete houses are more prominent whereas in the northern regions, wooden houses are more common. The awareness about the housing types and family setups in India will give the marketer some idea about the cultural traits of India which is necessary to develop proper marketing strategies. Since India is a diverse country with respect to people,

The Social and Academic Impacts on Children with Disabilities who are Essay

The Social and Academic Impacts on Children with Disabilities who are Receiving Inclusion in Schools - Essay Example One of the initiatives of the No Child Left Behind initiative, as well as other educational initiatives that have been mooted in recent times, is to include children with disabilities into integrated classrooms, together with normal children. The Individuals with Disabilities Act of 1990 was passed to guarantee equal access to education for children with disabilities. (Motwani, 2007). While the move towards inclusion is a recent trend, the debate on the merits and demerits of educational inclusion have been continuing for decades. This study proposes to undertake a literature review on inclusion in schools and to examine the ramifications of inclusion for disabled children, in order to assess its relative efficacy. This study is purely a literature review and will not support its findings with empirical data gleaned from individual participants. The focus of this research effort is to gain a general idea of the relative merits and demerits of inclusion and its potential or the lack thereof, in affecting the well being and successful integration of disabled students. Since the incidence of disability among students is becoming more widespread, this study is important because it examines one aspect of educational reform that could be effectively used for the benefit of these students, in order to integrate them as productive members of society. The lack of empirical support for this study is one of its limitations. Moreover, this study confines itself to studies that have been carried out after the period of 1996, although some prior material is also examined. The focus of this research effort is on the current findings in the literature and how best it can demonstrate the progress sand efficacy of inclusion. The findings in this study support the conclusion that there is a greater amount of research required into the merits and demerits of inclusion, in terms of ethnographic studies on disabled students. However, the literature review does